MESSAGES of the 1st QUARTER of 2000
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
January 6, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, this is a time to remove the obstacles preventing you
from having an intimate union with God. You are all invited to know and
live the breadth and depth of My Son's love for you. You are all
invited to live in His Kingdom. This means He desires to reveal to you
the mystery of His love and grace you with the gift of living it and
sharing in His glory. This means the mission of your life will be
unveiled to you as you live in his love.
You are invited to be all of Jesus and to live in His life death,
resurrection and glory. These are not simply words but yours to claim
in reality. This is a rejuvenating time but a time of cleansing from
the ways of your self. This is a time of contemplation as joy awaits
each one of you as you are graced to seek union with God. There are
many areas in your life which block you from living His love fully.
Jesus loves all of you and desires each of you to discover the
meaning behind your life. He wants you to know who you are and embrace
and fulfill the marvelous plan for which your soul was created in the
fullest extent of His love.
I love you, little children, and I take your petitions to Jesus. I
bless you in His glorious name. Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
Message 271
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
January 13, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, do not resist God any longer. Share your love and all
you have with one another. God desires to fill you with His grace but
cannot if you are filled with the possessions of your self. Jesus wants
to teach His Divine words of love to your souls and speak to your
Do not resist His providential care for you. He will not abandon
you. Do not abandon Him by not trusting in His care and turning away
from His consultations. Jesus will show you the way to walk through His
merciful love. Always turn to Him in all your plans and consult Him.
Be faithful to the grace of your vocation and look to the blessings of
His grace rather than the possessions of the world, and He will protect
you from careless practices which prevent virtues from reaching their
full maturation.
Little children, Jesus finds His delight in being with you. He
will imprint His truth upon your soul. Turn to Him and converse
intimately with Him. Open your lives to His Divine will and loving
plan, and you will touch His compassionate Heart. Trust in Him always,
even in painful experiences of your life. Do not resist what He has
planned for you.
I take your petitions to your Savior. Peace to you. Thank you for
responding to My call. AD DEUM.
Message 272
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
January 27, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, God the Father is full of kindness and is infinite
love. Turn to Him and open your hearts because you belong to Him and
the Kingdom is yours to inherit. You fail to realize how close He is to
you. He is by your side and yet you are convinced that He is far away.
I cannot speak enough of His love for you and urge you to draw
strength from Him. He is full of mercy and He is your security. Take
refuge in Him and trust in divine filiations. You should be happy and
satisfied that you are loved by Him. The most important thing for you
to know is that God loves you and you should prefer His love above
anything else, above hardships or honors. You are His children so do
not fear life and do not fear death. Children of God trust in His care
and find joy in Him. Tell Him how much you love Him and how grateful
you are to be His little child.
You are discouraged because you have become distracted and have
made the ways of your life complicated. Simplify and open your hearts
so you can move ahead victoriously with more love. God's love will
become the voice in the midst of apathetic silence and His light will
bring peace to the world.
I bless you in the name of Jesus and I take your petitions to His
most Sacred, Silent Heart. Peace be with you. Thank you for responding
to My call. AD DEUM.
Message 273
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
February 3, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
There are many different types of people who are all special to
God. Each person is necessary to fulfill God's will so that each soul
can reach ultimate union with God. You cannot all be the same in gifts
and grace. There are many different flowers in the field and yet all
are beautiful. When combined all together they are breathtaking.
It is so necessary to have different types of beautiful people such
as children, teachers, parents, students, leaders, clergy, laborers of
the field, health providers and the like because you all form the face
of God. You are all created beautiful in spirit, and through prayer you
will see your beauty and accomplish tremendous works of charity and
mercy. Do not lose heart when evil's way attempts to interrupt your
charitable works. Do not allow this distraction to trouble you.
Jesus is with you and I am by your side to lead you to His Truth.
Pray, little children, and be at peace. Pray with all of your hearts
and do not become disinterested in prayer. The fruit of prayer is
faith. Without faith there is no hope. Pray, pray, pray.
I love you little children, and I take your petitions to My Son.
Peace. I bless you in His name. Thank you for responding to My call.
Message 274
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
February 10, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
The surest way to freedom, little ones, is through surrendering
yourself to God. Surrender allows you to live in a spirit of prayer and
it is the way to treat the pains of life in this world. When you
surrender to God, you die to your own will and you quiet all the
frustrations you encounter by passing them into the hands of God. You
can treat your pains of life by passing them on to the Father as you die
to yourself and accept what God wants instead of seeking to do what you
You will be safe and secure when you surrender into His arms; and
all the deceptions of life, troubles and pains will be softened because
you will not be concerned about the end result. Whether in life or
death surrender is the purest form of love and is a way to live
permanently in a spirit of prayer. Pray, pray, pray. Surrender,
surrender, surrender. It is the only way to be converted fully into the
body of Christ, My Son.
Peace be with you. I take your petitions to your surrendering
Savior of love. I bless you in His holy name. Thank you for responding
to My call. AD DEUM.
Message 275
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
February 17, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
What sign from heaven do you want before you will believe that God
exists and has allowed me to visit you in this special way? It seems
many of you have hardened your hearts and have become quite proud in
matters of spirituality. Did you forget that My Son presented Himself
to the world with a meek and humble heart, and, as the only Savior of
the world, taught those who desire to know the truth that they too must
be meek and humble of heart?
I am a Mother of love and my only desire for you is to love as My
Son. I am not your Savior. Jesus, My Son, who suffered and died for
you that you might have life is your Savior. Do not be pompous,
self-righteous children any longer. Your vision is shortsighted and
narrow. Open your hearts and your minds to God's gift to you, for My
days of visitations are numbered to My Son's messengers across the
If the world continues to ignore the importance of prayer and moral
ethics and does not restore them to their rightful place, the world will
suffer a tragedy of a world war as never witnessed before in history.
It is My sorrow to see the hearts of humanity harden with indifference.
It is My hope for you that you will take heed of My message and respond
with fervent prayer and change of heart.
I bless you, little ones, with the love of Jesus. Thank you for
your attentiveness. Peace. AD DEUM.
Message 276
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
February 24, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Pray, little ones, for peace in the family and for peace in this
world. Peace of heart and love must first stem from inside your souls
and come to fruition before it can have any effect on the world. God
must be at the center of your every thought, word and deed for love and
peace to exist. You need to pay attention to my words from heaven and
begin to put them into practice.
Patience and perseverance are virtues which lead to fortitude and
control over the vices of the flesh. You must not only pray for peace
but you must practice and put into action genuine love and become
selfless. You must follow through and remain committed to God at all
costs by loving your neighbors and your enemies. Love all people
genuinely and equally.
If you do not temper your tongues and temper the desires to please
only yourself, then your hearts remain hardened, proud and indifferent
to God's Truth and Word. You think you know the truth and are favored
by God; but your lack of prayer, lack of charity and self-seeking ways
expose your hardened hearts and the truth of your indifference. Peace
cannot exist without love and commitment in restoring moral values to
their rightful place under the law from God above.
Please pay attention to My words, little children. Please pay
attention to My words. Please respond to this call of peace through
prayer and actions of love. I bless you in the name of My Son, Jesus,
your Savior, and I take your petitions to His Most Sacred Heart. Thank
you for responding to My Call. AD DEUM.
Message 277
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
March 2, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, know I will not leave you. It is the unveiling of
God's mercy which will lift this world out of its misery. Jesus will
come a second time and reign. He is coming and it will be the return of
Jesus as a child to enlighten the minds and hearts of all people, of all
faiths, of all nations and of every race. His kingdom shall be an era
of peace and hope, and it will be a spiritual quenching for your parched
My Son will unveil His mercy to the world, but He will not walk on
the world as you know it. He will be your heavenly delight as you walk
in harmony and unity and peace towards the way of His truth. You must
know the truth and follow the word of God as spoken to His apostles by
Him and proclaimed through the prophets down through all generations.
You will come to know the truth of His love and His presence in a
Eucharistic reign.
This is why I am gathering My children and have asked you to listen
to My words from heaven. My Immaculate Heart will triumph with My Son,
and I desire you to be strong at the hour of His coming. This world
will be purged of its evil, for My Son's Mercy will restore your souls
to grace through the great trial which has been foretold and lift this
world out of its misery. It will not be His final judgment and coming,
for this next era will be the Covenant of our two hearts, a Eucharistic,
spiritual reign where the child Jesus will usher in a kingdom of peace.
Be strong, little children, and pray, pray, pray. I bless you,
little children, in the name of the "Child" Jesus, for it is the Child
who represents hope and life for all children of the world. Peace to
I take your petitions to the throne of your Eucharistic Jesus.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
Message 278
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
March 9, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
God loves you, little children, and He gives you everything that is
good. Continue to pray and work towards a new tomorrow when temptations
will not affect you. Use every occasion to become perfect as your
heavenly Father is perfect by being humble, bearing difficulties with
love, being merciful and doing penance. Strive now to be holy and pure
of heart like a little child so you will be prepared to slay evil
through love and littleness in the moment of confrontation and truth,
and then triumph with your Savior.
There will be a time of peace and no disease, a time and place
where every human being will live in unity and come to know the truth of
Jesus through a Eucharistic reign. Every human being will understand
and embrace mercy and will know the true presence of Jesus in the
Eucharist. Every heart will be enlightened and healed of brokenness,
slander, malice and anger.
The way of child-likeness and littleness will come alive in your
hearts and break down the hardness, fallacies and deceptions with the
truth of God's love. You will be restored to health. You will not need
to feel you must be justified or proven right, for everyone will want to
love one another and realize that God has exposed every cover of anger
and deception and anxiety. All will only want to live in the peace and
truth of God's love. Life will flourish, and the ways of the child
Jesus will renew your hearts and fill you with joy. You will have long
life and happiness.
Pray, little children. Pray and persevere. Pray in your
families. Join together and pray together. Those who pray together in
the family as partners of love will march triumphantly into the era of
peace. Whether you are two or twenty, pray together in your family.
I bless you in the name of your Jesus. I take your petitions to
Him. Peace. Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
Message 279
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
March 16, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
There is so much suffering from disease in the world today, little
ones, especially in those who suffer from the AIDS epidemic. The family
unit is the victim of such suffering. Precious children are suffering
and mothers feel they cannot protect them. Mothers are suffering and
children feel abandoned and alone. Fathers are suffering from the loss
of interior strength and ability to save their families. Sons and
daughters are suffering from the effects of rejection by society.
Satan would like to destroy the family unit through deception in
the power of free choice, freedom and gender, and eliminate the role of
woman as mother completely. Only a woman can bear children, and the
role of a mother can be filled only by a woman because she brings forth
The AIDS epidemic is a direct attack on the family unit, but God in
His mercy shall prevail. Many people may find it difficult to connect
God's mercy to AIDS, and many may only see His mercy towards the
precious souls who suffer from this disease, but truly the effect of
this devastating virus is an act of God's mercy on the entire human
race. It is a reflection of the effect of sin on each human soul and
portrays the struggle which occurs when the precious gift of life is
denied from its inception. It is an act of God's mercy, little ones,
not an act of punishment. To deny this truth would only spurn God's
Peace to you. I bless you in His Holy name and I take your
petitions to His merciful heart. Thank you for listening. Save the
family by returning the dignity of motherhood to its proper place. Save
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
Message 280
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
March 23, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, there is not just one event that will identify you as
a true child of God, because to be a true child of God is outlined in
your way of life. There is no quick remedy to change the effects of
history. The only authentic proof of being a child of God is in the
fruitful actions of love in your life. You cannot convince skeptics to
believe in your ways or that you are from heaven. The most profound
undeniable proof of being from heaven is portrayed in your continuity,
humility, simpleness, purity of heart and actions of love. It is
revealed in the way you live your daily gift of life.
The world today seeks a quick resolution to problems which took
generations to surface. Change takes time because it must first
commence with the change of heart. This is why I have urged you to
begin now and not delay any longer or wait until the end to act upon the
areas which are preventing you from being called a child of God. God
has given to you the signs and proof, but you fail to even recognize His
gift just as people failed to recognize Him as He walked on this earth.
Turn your attention to those who are not looking for power,
prestige, notoriety, fame, attention or material empires. Look at those
who live daily by serving others and who have continuity in their
actions of love and service. Look at the fruits which are ongoing.
Look at those people whose actions of littleness challenge you even if
those actions make you feel uncomfortable. Look at those people whose
ways are simple.
Look and you will find here in this small town where I have come,
the center of My Immaculate Heart, authentic children of God. This is a
community which rises together in hardships and joins in helping one
another as recorded throughout history when sisterhood and brotherhood
laid the foundation of love. This community will continue to rise
together and assist in helping all the many people who will come to
this, My Center of My Immaculate Heart, because they are humble, simple,
loving children of God and their actions of love will embrace and heal
those seeking refuge.
I bless you, little children, with the peace of Jesus and I take
your petitions to Him. Thank you for your response to My call. AD
Message 281
(Note: Other references to Emmitsburg being called "center of My
Immaculate Heart" include messages dated 03/09/95, 05/04/95, 11/02/95,
10/31/96 and 10/21/99. The last usage in today's message is the first
time "center" is capitalized.)
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
March 30, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, Jesus loves a humble heart and there is nothing more
pleasing to Him than those who give to one another. There will be many
of God's children who will come here to this My Center of My Immaculate
Heart, and the importance of a receptive and loving community will seal
the hand print of God's mercy.
I invite you, little ones, of this community, to remain open and
consistent in your love. Keep your hearts open to those who come here
seeking God's mercy and God will keep His ear open to your petitions.
If you want God to respond to you, you must respond to others.
Remember, if you want to receive, you in turn must give. Show love and
mercy to all people who come here with the same conviction that you want
your loved ones to show love and mercy to you.
This community is an example to the world of the beauty and power
behind simplicity, littleness and love. For mercy to be fruitful, you
must bear the gift of yourself to all people, not just a select few.
The more you give, the more will overflow unto your families. The more
you keep for yourself, the more you will lose because God will not allow
you to keep what you have refused to others. My Son will give
abundantly to you as you give the love, respect and mercy each human
being desires and seeks.
I am here by you to comfort and protect all of you. I am sorry to
say I cannot leave this place as some of you desire I would because My
Son has asked Me to come here, and I bow in obedience to His Will at all
costs. I do invite you, however, as your Mother, to join Me in
preparation for the unveiling of My Son's mercy. Prepare your hearts by
allowing God to replace any vices with virtues and nurture them with His
grace and love. The more this community gives, the more it will
receive. The more resistant it becomes, the more struggles it will be
faced with.
But know, children, My Son is not leaving. I am not leaving.
Where He is, I am with Him. He loves you and is here for you. I invite
you not to complain or to be concerned but be grateful that God Almighty
has chosen this humble place, and His love and mercy will do miraculous
things for the world .
Peace to you. I take your petitions to His Sacred Heart. Thank
you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
Message 282