Messages from Our Lady to
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January 2, 1997 (142)
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Seek to obtain the knowledge of My Son through prayer and scripture. Seek to follow His way of love and obtain eternal salvation as taught in the Gospel. I caution you children of the efforts currently under way to obtain world peace. Peace does not come from a political movement for unity.A movement to unify religions in order to achieve world peace and security is a deceptive effort by the evil one. Peace cannot exist through force. My Son's mission was to obtain eternal salvation for you, not to bring peace to the world. Peace does exist in His truth, for He is the light and the way.
I invite you children to pray for God's truth and knowledge. Pray to have the grace and wisdom to avoid the influence and persuasion of the evil one, for he will present himself as a peace maker and give you false hopes of security and unity. I love you little children and desire you to gain inner peace and to love. Genuine love in your actions will gain unity and peace for the world.
I bless you in the name of My Son, Jesus, and I thank Him for allowing Me to be here with you in this special way. I take your petitions to the Father.
Thank you for responding to My Call. AD DEUM.
January 9, 1997
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
No Public Message - The prayer service was cancelled due to a snow storm.
January 16, 1997
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
I love you, little ones, with the heart of a mother; and I protect you in God's light of truth.
Little ones, before you can be true apostles of word and action, you must first be apostles of prayer, silence and suffering, or your actions will be fruitless.
You can speak to others by the silence of a loving example.You must come to know and suffer the love of your LOVE, who is not loved.
You must be the tabernacles of Jesus, like the silent HOST which pours forth rays of His divine light to enlighten the souls of humankind.
His rays are like the sun.He is the SON who touches, warms, inspires, enlightens and loves each soul.
Be Jesus, little ones.
Be prayerful, loving children and like the silent Jesus in the HOST, you too will send out rays of His love and gather souls as you sail on your voyage.You will then be apostles of action and your works will be fruitful.
I bless you, little ones in the name of Jesus and I will take your petitions graciously to the Father.
Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
January 23, 1997 (144)
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little children, I desire for you to have an unshakable confidence in Jesus. Be happy when He shows you the areas in which you need to grow in love. Rejoice when your weaknesses are highlighted.
Then is the time for you to plead for His mercy. The more faults and humiliations you bear, the more you should seek comfort in My Son's mercy. He loves to shed His mercy and will seek you wherever you are.
You will grow in humility when your faults and imperfections surface. Do not be ashamed or feel sad. Be happy that My Son loves you so much and freely sheds His mercy.
He does not desire you to sin, yet He does not desire you to despair due to pride and refuse His mercy. His divine perfections are full of radiant love and He knows your frailty. Trust in My Son. Do not fear.
Have the confidence of a child that no harm shall come to you. Confidence allows you to achieve the fullness of His love. The more powerless you are, as a child, the more you will attain the depths of His love.
I love you, little children, and as your Mother, I desire you to live in His light. I take your petitions to My Son who is filled with an immeasurable love for you. Turn to Him, seek His mercy and do not fear. Have an unshakable confidence.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
(Our Lady gave a special blessing on the sick this evening for perseverance and endurance. She gave another blessing on all married couples and the priests and deacon.)
January 30, 1997 (145)
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
The gift of the Holy Spirit is with you at all times. Ask for guidance in everything you desire to accomplish. Ask to receive the virtues of simplicity, humility, meekness, mortification and zeal.
God has so much to give to those who ask, listen and are obedient to His designs. Strive to be truthful and loving in all your encounters. You are children of God and should reflect His love in all your works to glorify Him because this is the glory you share with Him.
In order to be true children of God it is necessary that your motives at all times be for the love of God and the love of your neighbor. I love you little children and desire you to reap the fruits of His love. His mercy is endless. His love for you is infinite.
You are blessed, little children, to have a Father in Heaven who loves you so much that He gave His most treasured love to you, His Son, your Jesus, so that you could share in the glory of His kingdom. Thank God, little children, for His wondrous love and mercy. I bless you in the name of Jesus, your Savior, and take your petitions to the Father. Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
February 6, 1997
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, in order to assist in gathering together souls that have been scattered, there must be genuine love. Instilling fear is not the way. Initially people may be motivated by fear, but that means would be short lived.
It would be like the parable of the sower. The seed falls on rocky ground. Initially it sprouts up, but the pressures and fears of the world suffocate it and it withers. In order for the seed to blossom, it must be planted in fertile soil and nurtured by genuine love.
My Son is deeply in love with you children. If you realized the breath and depth of His infinite love for you, fear would not exist. You are very important to Him and He loves each and every one of you like a newborn baby.
Attempting to gather souls by means of apocalyptic fear is misleading and is not My mission from heaven. All that matters is how you love and the virtues you utilize to grow in His love. This is how you enrapture souls for God's Kingdom of joy.
It is My desire to guide you in the way of love and mercy. I have mentioned the consequences of a failing world without God and without love. This is not to cause fear but to awaken souls and to protect them from destruction.
Love is the only solution to life. Please ponder My Son's love for you and be renewed by being instruments of His Mercy. The children I am gathering are children of unconditional LOVE and MERCY.
I take your petitions to the Father and I bless you in the name of Jesus, your Savior. Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
February 13, 1997 (147)
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones Jesus is loving and merciful. He gives His sacrificial love for you unconditionally in the mass so that you may share in His glory. Contemplate His infinite majesty.
It is from Him that you receive all you have and all of who you are. Give to Him praise and thanksgiving for His goodness. Surrender to Him your heart, your will, your mind and your spirit.
Give your entire being to Him in perfect adoration. Strive to be Jesus. Receive Jesus' merits by uniting with Him in the most sacrificial love of the mass.
It is in the mass where you not only receive His grace but Jesus Himself. Submit to Jesus, little children, who infinitely loves you and is infinitely merciful. If you consecrate all of your being to Jesus during the mass you will join Him in offering to the Father His immolation on the cross.
Then you will be intimately fused together in His blood and water and never be separated. I bless you children and love you. There is tremendous hope for all who trust in Jesus' divine mercy.
I take your petitions to My Son and bless you in His name. Peace to you. Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
February 20, 1997
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
No Public Message - Gianna was away.
February 27, 1997 (148)
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, many people do not love Jesus because they do not know Jesus. Blindness increases in proportion to the amount of distance you place between Him. The closer you draw to Him the more you are able to look at Him with the eyes of love. The farther you choose to distance yourself from Him the greater the growth of darkness.
The more He grows in you, the more He will enlighten you and fill you with His Divine life. Little children, be intimately united to Him. Place all your joys, sorrows, pleasures and burdens upon Him. Nothing is impossible with God. Jesus is loving and merciful. Everything you do must stem from love.
The more confident you are in His love, the more Jesus draws Himself to you. The more you know Jesus as He is, the more intimate you will be with Him.
The more you know Him, the more you will lean on His heart. The more you lean on His heart, the more you will know Him. His Sacred Heart is loving and merciful. His heart never closes in order to draw all people into His love. His mercy brings victory to all sinners. His merciful glance restores the soul to grace.
Look to Jesus little children and imitate His life. He is meek and humble of heart. Draw into Him with the eyes of love and walk in the ways of His truth.
I love you and bless you in His name. Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
March 6, 1997 (149)
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, do not dwell on your weakness or sinfulness but look to Jesus and focus on His strength and Holiness. Ask Jesus to give you the grace to respond to Him and to be as present to Him as He is present to you.
Ask My Son for assistance. He is waiting for you to ask Him. He desires to give you strength, hope and courage. Ask Him for the strength to forgive yourself and others. Ask Him for forgiveness. There is nothing that He cannot forgive if you ask Him.
He will not force anything upon you. You have the freedom of choice. He will not impose His will on you. Jesus desires to give you His mercy. He will never turn away from you.
Forgiveness is a great gift from God. Utilize this great gift. Seek forgiveness. Forgive all who have hurt you in any way.
It is important that you love as Jesus loves and that you see yourself as Jesus sees you. Forgive and love one another.
I love you little children and desire you to receive His many gifts.
I bless you in His name.
Thank you for responding to My call.
March 13, 1997 (150)
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, My Son's power and infinite mercy come to you unceasingly through the means of the cross and Holy Eucharist. It is through the cross My Son redeemed you, and for you it is the way to ascend to Him. Without the cross you would not be able to ascend to the Father. It is in the Holy Eucharist which you become living tabernacles of My Son's love and divine mercy.
Jesus is life and you were created by the Father in His image. He became the Incarnate Word under the appearance of an ordinary man to make known to you the glory of the Father. The Father is honored in Jesus and Jesus is honored in the Father.
Every time you unite in the oneness of My Son's merciful love through Holy Eucharist you are honoring the Father with a special devotion. So embrace these two means of God's infinite mercy. The power of His love surpasses all knowledge. Do not keep your distance from Him any longer. He wants you to know Him and to feel how close He is to each one of you. He is the sun of the world. If you will allow Him to come close to you, He will warm you with His infinite love.
I love you little children and take your petitions to the Father. I bless you in His name of love.
Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call.
March 20, 1997 (151)
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, God the Father desires you to know Him and confide your needs to Him. He wants you to trust in Him, even if you do not feel Him close to you as Jesus did. He desires you to enjoy eternal happiness. He desires you to have hope in Him. Honor the Father. He is a tender and kind Father and He will protect you wherever you are.
Open your hearts, children, and place them in the hands of Jesus. He will offer them to the Father. Jesus will teach you how to surrender to the Father. It was the Father who sent Jesus to you so that He would be known, honored and loved by all people. He created you for himself and you belong to Him.
In order to experience true happiness, it is necessary that you give all of yourself to the Father. His glory is great and is for all who honor Him.
I love you, little children, and I take your petitions to Jesus who loves being with you. Give all of your hearts to the Father by placing them in the heart of Jesus.
Peace to you.Thank you for responding to My call.
March 27, 1997
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
(No Public Message - Holy Thursday)
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