MESSAGES of the 2nd QUARTER of 2000


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

April 6, 2000

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Little children, the refuge of My Immaculate Heart is for all

people, but the Center of My Immaculate Heart can only be a place where

the community reflects the purity, joy, love and mercy of Jesus. Hold

on to your blessings, little ones, and rejoice that God has chosen this

place which history has foretold as the hand print of His mercy. It was

your fathers and mothers and their fathers and mothers and their

ancestors who laid the blueprint for the unveiling of God's mercy.

Remember the past unity and love of your community and upheld its

dignity by sharing and lending the gift of yourself to all who come

here. Do acts of mercy with cheerfulness as your ancestors did, and

God's light of good fortune will break forth upon you like the dawn, and

you will witness miraculous healings.

It is time to honor My Son, to care for Him, not only in a passing

moment but by joining together and being generous and merciful without

hesitation to all people. A good deed needs to be completed with

promptness and love. Acts of charity need to be done for any person,

not limited only to those who live around you in your community.

This is why this Center of My Immaculate Heart is different,

because your relatives, the founders of your ministries of charity, and

the teachers of God's truth reached out to all people of every faith and

even crossed over the lines to enemy territory to soothe the broken

hearts of men with love. You too, little ones, who live in this

community are filled with this same commitment of love and mercy as your

ancestors. You are to be the sign of My Son's innocence, generosity and


Join me, little ones, to dress the wounds of My Son by dressing the

wounds of the broken hearts of all the people soon to embark upon this

humble place. Give honor to your ancestors by acts of mercy and

generosity to all the children of God.

I love you, little children, and I bless you in the name of the

Child Jesus. Peace to You. Thank you for responding to My Call. AD


Message 283


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

April 13, 2000

My dear little children, praise be God!

Little ones, God will protect you. He will never leave or abandon

you. There are tremendous blessings from Him which will soon gently

descend upon you. Trust My Son with all your heart and with filial

confidence. Do not let your thoughts wander or work up in you tensions

and fear of things that have not yet surfaced. Whenever God speaks

words of love and encouragement, Satan is there to try to distort,

confuse you, cause fear and ultimately division. Always be on guard to

the subtleties of his deceptive ways because he will try to cloud your

vision of My Son's truth.

I have spoken words of encouragement for this community because of

My Son's great love for you and His blessings on all those who come to

this center of My Immaculate Heart. This holy place is for all people

and cannot remain for you and your families alone. My Son gave of

Himself for you, your families and for every person in the world. You

also must give of yourself, not only for your families but also for the

families of God and every person who My Son brings in your path.

The way you can do this is in a very simple manner. Do not be

overwhelmed with feelings of negativism or rebellion. As people begin

to come here, simply be open to receive the graciousness of their love

and their gratitude for being able to receive the blessings of your

community. The people coming will not be seeking to infringe upon your

privacy or dignity. You can enforce the stigma of the dignity of your

historical home place with a smile, a respectful nod and a kind word.

In this way you will become the instruments of God's Mercy and in turn

receive tremendous graces and blessings. What you give, you will

receive in exact proportions and amounts.

Begin now with preparations and plans of accommodation for the many

people of God so that your private lives are not interrupted. Do not

wait until the end, for a wise person takes the shields off his eyes to

look at a panoramic vision of God's love. The more preparation you have

in place now will make for less inconvenience later for your own lives.

Be happy, little children. Do not worry, for My Son is smiling

upon you. I take your petitions to Him. Peace. Thank you for

responding to My call. AD DEUM.

Message 284


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

April 27, 2000

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Little ones, do not be fearful of being overlooked or losing your

position within your community as people begin to come here. God loves

each one of you very much. I am here for all of you, not simply for any

one person. Do not be more concerned about your own advancement than

about the desires of God. Do not be envious or compete for favoritism.

God will bless all of you and give you the grace to share the gift of

kindness with others. Bless those who do well and God will bless you.

This is a great teaching from the saints who approached the throne

of God asking for this great gift and blessing from heaven to be

bestowed upon your community as my plan unfolds. God has unlimited love

to give and desires to give to you.

In this time of preparation, little children, pastoral care must be

at the forefront of the unveiling of My Son's mercy. It is the priests

who speak as the voice of My Son and must first gather the flock

together. It is necessary for them to educate and disseminate My words

granted from heaven to those people in your community. Your community

is first to receive and your priests are your Shepherds leading you in

the truth of My Son. Afterwards other forms of preparation can unfold

with ease based upon the cooperation and willingness of your community


Thank God above, little children, for His great love for you and

for picking this most beautiful, humble place as the center of My

Immaculate Heart; and from here the unveiling of My Son's mercy will

commence. Thank the two instrumental saints of Love, St. Vincent DePaul

and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Thank the saints which followed in their

footsteps and their ancestors down through your bloodlines along with

the entire Communion of Saints for their faith and trust in God.

I invite you My priests, My daughters and all of My ministers to

join Me in preparation for the glorious unveiling of My Son's Mercy.

What you give to one another may be the greatest act of love you can do

for My Son in your life.

I take your petitions to the Triune God. Thank you for responding

to My call. AD DEUM.

Message 285


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

May 4, 2000

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Little ones, God the Father loves you and will take care of you.

Ask Him for the grace and gifts you need for your loved ones, family and

friends, and neighbors. He has given to you the treasure of His Son and

He will not hold anything from you. As your Mother I can tell you that

the Father will give to you every grace needed to cooperate with His

Divine Will which will lead you to eternal joy, peace and happiness.

You are free in your decisions, but I urge you to look to My Son and His

ways for the truth where joy and happiness and freedom lie.

You are now able to share His glory in the hiddenness of the

sacraments. You can share His glory through prayer and the gifts of

serving one another; and when My Son returns you will share His glory in

bodily form. Do not let anything separate you from Him, little

children. Surrender in love all of yourself to the Father through My

Son and you will taste the sweetness of true joy, peace, happiness and

freedom. He will give you the grace and the strength to walk in His

laws as you will be transformed into Him.

To be truly happy you must love as He loves and serve as He served.

The gift of giving to others in genuine love, service and generosity

will renew your hearts to receive the blessings from the Father. Please

open your hearts to My Son's grace or you will not be able to serve one

another as He served or receive the pure joy of love.

Do not hesitate any longer in cooperating with My Son's request for

preparations. When you desire something from My Son, you desire a quick

response. Yet when He asks you for something of yourself, you are slow

to respond and are indifferent. Ponder your motives, little children,

and please respond to the grace God is giving to you. If you do as I

have asked in His Holy name, you will not be disappointed. I only point

the way to My Son.

Peace to you. I take your petitions to My Son. Thank you for

responding to My call. AD DEUM.

Message 286


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

May 11, 2000

My dear little children. praise be Jesus!

Little ones, I have been waiting for 2000 years to fulfill the plan

God the Father has commissioned to me to bear the fruits of My Son's

Redemption. Through My Immaculate Heart I will obtain for you from My

Blessed Son every grace, justice, charity and peace. What commenced in

Fatima with My three little children will continue now and come to

fruition here at the Center of My Immaculate Heart.

Reflect the sentiments of your Mother as I have encouraged and

taught you so that My Immaculate Heart will shine before the eyes of all

people as perfect love towards God. Be a model, little children, of My

virtues as children of all faiths descend upon this Valley of the Fields

on the level comparable to Fatima. Join me, little ones, in cooperating

with God's grace leading you towards the Holy Sacraments which will

cleanse you to make reparation for sin against My Divine Son.

I have been waiting a very long time, little ones, to share with

you this spiritual richness and for you to shine in God's love. This

Holy place, in Emmitsburg, the Center of My Immaculate Heart, will be a

living realization of the Gospel. My Immaculate Heart and the

Eucharistic Heart of My Son are inseparably united in the plan of


Peace to you. I take your petitions to Jesus. Thank you for

responding to My call. AD DEUM.

Message 287


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

May 18, 2000

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Little children, receive everything as a gift from God. You

struggle with false values because you like to have security and be sure

of your future. Open your heart and My Son will change you into His

glorious self. You seek alternatives by only speculating the truth

instead Of walking through the doorway to His love. You lose your

wisdom when you alienate yourself from His desires and His truth because

of fear. You close your hearts and become timid when you begin to focus

on yourself instead of confidently placing wholeheartedly, and

unreservedly, your trust in God.

My Son ruled the heavens and the earth by being open to the will of

His Father and surrendering unto it. You are invited not to be afraid

but to trust with childlike confidence in His love. You are invited and

called by My Son to love one another by bringing His life into each

other's hearts. A miracle will not come by the conviction of your minds

but by the love in your hearts and through service and courtesy to one


I invite you to respond to God as I did. Recommit yourself by

surrendering to God's will. Do not tell God you are not ready. You

need to respond if you want to learn how to love and have your being in

God. Incline your ear, and hear His words and apply your hearts to

His Doctrine.

I bless you, little children, in His name -- I take your petitions

to My Son. Peace to you. Thank you for responding to My call. AD


Message 288


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

May 25, 2000

Dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Little ones, know that God the Father has revealed everything that is essential for faith through My Son and His Word.

I am here to help you and invite you to live His Word more fully.

I am here to invite you to return to His way of truth at all cost, and to guide you on His path and lead you safely home to Him.

There are many people who live today without any knowledge of My Son, and many people who do not believe in Him even though they have knowledge of Him.

I invite you to pray for these souls.

Teach your children the foundation of faith in God and practice-what you teach with great love and fervor.

God did not create humanity to be seen as a phase in the world's development which could be left behind.

He created each one of you specifically and in the purity of His love to become Him with all of your weaknesses and struggles.

His glory is entrusted to your fragility.

Little children, without God you are at great risk and you need the Holy Church to lead you to your redemption.

Long for a union, little ones with my Son; a union of the human and the divine whose model was LOVE itself.

I desire all of you, My children, to be safe and seek refuge in My Immaculate Heart.

Please open your hearts.

I am a mother who desires Her children to be happy, secure and prosperous.

Come and be children of My Immaculate Heart for the children shall triumph with my Immaculate Heart in My Son.

Peace to you.

Thank you for responding to My call.


Message 289


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

June 8, 2000

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Little ones, it is my desire for you to be sanctified so that you can ensure the possession of God for eternity.

I encourage you to desire nothing, wish nothing and seek nothing except to give pleasure and joy to God in all things.

God speaks to your soul in silence and you must protect His love and quietness as a compartment of privacy so that no one can strip you of the love God desires to give you.

In this way you will be able to practice His gifts of virtue by practicing silence when you are persecuted or accused.

You will be able to avoid treating your neighbors deceitfully and exposing their weaknesses.

You will be able to avoid spiritual envy and be happy when others are praised.

All this is possible in God's love through faith and confidence in Him.

Satan, in despair and anger, would like to interrupt your intimacy with God and invade this process of sanctification by waging battle with your soul.

You can conquer Satan without fighting and defeat him through the weapons of interior peace and tranquility.

Little ones, treat everyone, whether they be friends or not, with the charity you have learned from My Son.

Do not consider who they are, whether they speak well of you or not, whether they are your friends or enemies.

Step out into the darkness which surrounds the world with the light in your soul which God Himself fuels.

Love all people and help all people for the sake of God in His Divine goodness and charity.

Do not be afraid to take a risk for God.

Peace little ones.

I take your petitions to My Son and I bless you in His name.

Thank you for responding to my call.


Message 290


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

June 15, 2000

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Little ones, all four corners of the world can be unified in Jesus through the Eucharist.

It is the Eucharistic Jesus who draws people into the oneness of God because Jesus through the Eucharist lives in you, and if He lives in you He also lives in others.

My Son is the Living Presence who once sanctified Himself as an offering for you so that you might be able to live in Him forever and be victorious over the grips of evil's persuasion.

My Son is the center of life itself, and life centers around Him.

He alone is the unifying force, in contrast to leaders who believe in a one world governing body in an attempt to unify similarities in peoples.

Look to Jesus little children, and you will be looking at a Eucharistic Jesus in the Mystical Presence of His true Body and Blood shed as the price for your salvation and freedom that all may be one with Him whether Jew or Gentile, servant or nobleman.

He is the center of unity for all nations, the unifying force, the light from which wisdom flows in the brilliance of His love.

Come, little children.

Come, all of you who are weary, to your Jesus who awaits you.

He is your life, your strength and the unifying force to peace.

Only in Him can truth exist because He is Truth itself.

Only in the Eucharistic Jesus can unity prevail.

I take your petitions to My Son who gives all things that are good.


Thank you for responding to My call.


Message 291


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

June 22, 2000

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Little ones, My Son desires your lives to be an echo of happiness, filled with the vision of peace, serenity and harmony.

He desires each soul to ascend in the fullness of His joy and wisdom.

You belong to God, little children, and this means you are all one in Him.

If you are one with God, you should join together in unity and pray together as a community, not simply for one person but for everyone.

My Son died for all of humanity, not a select few, and His death unified the human race as He took on each one of your sins and drew each one of you to His Sacred Heart.

Through His one act on Calvary He taught humanity the way to peace, unity and harmony, and invites you to imitate His ways of holiness.

Join together, little children, and pray together.

This bond of unity will declare you true children of God.

Those who pray together will live together in eternity.

I, your Mother, on behalf of My Son, your Savior Jesus, invite you to join in unity, harmony and peace.

Pray together to the same God who was, who is, and who shall be forever.

Look for a sign from heaven soon to unfold signifying a bond of unity in the church for the world to follow.

For the beginning of Wisdom is Knowledge and understanding, and harmony will be created through the grace of prayer and deeds prompted by the Holy Spirit.

Peace to you.

I take your petitions to My Son.

Thank you for responding to my call.


Message 292


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

June 29, 2000

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Little ones, for 2000 years My Son has been profoundly afflicted at the sight of those evils by which humanity has offended Him, and My Immaculate Heart has been covered with thorns for the many people who have been ungrateful and unwilling to make reparation for the offenses against Almighty God.

I have come here many times with My Son, as a child, to give you hope for a new tomorrow, one filled with life and joy.

I have presented to you the Child Jesus as a refuge for all children.

I have told you that it is My Son, the Child Jesus, who will return again, not in a corporeal body to walk the earth, and not as the glorified just judge as He will come at the end of time, but as a Child of hope to usher in an era of peace as God's Mercy is unveiled.

This has been foretold for many centuries and is not a new theology as many seem to believe.

It is My Son, the Child Jesus, who requested the consecration to God the Father through My Immaculate Heart.

It was the Child Jesus who later encouraged My little daughter Lucia from Fatima to spread the Saturday devotion in reparation for sins against My Immaculate Heart.

It is the Child Jesus who gives joy in life and represents the way of purity, simplicity, and littleness, in order to confound the proud and the works of the evil one.

Have hope in your Heavenly Father and have pity on your Heavenly Mother who only seeks to protect you and lead you to a safe haven encompassed by the warmth of the light of God Himself.

Jesus is the Son of man, the Son of God, and He is also My Son.

I am the Mother of this world.

It was during My Son's childhood years that He was surrounded by love, warmth, and security. He was filled with joy, gained wisdom and was protected from danger.

The return of Jesus as a Child through My Immaculate Heart will provide a refuge where you will be safe from harm, and He will give you hope to live life in the fullness of His joy.

You should rejoice, little children. Peace.

Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

Message 293