MESSAGES of the 3rd QUARTER of 2000
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
July 13, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, look to your Mother and you will see a Mother whose tears of humility and gentle love have sustained humanity by holding back the sword of God's angel.
This is no longer a spiritual battle but a war directed toward the entire human race by Satan himself.
I am now on Satan's turf to slay his evil works and to rescue my precious Son's children by directing them to His Most Sacred and Pure Heart.
For sometime there have been lukewarm, indifferent, and unfaithful people who have gravely offended my Son.
Even many of My priests have betrayed their vocations; but through the unveiling of My Son's Mercy, the original spirit of all holy founders will rekindle the hope and spiritual fervor of their faithful through the eyes of faith. You will see the omnipotent hands of God's command.
It was My Child, My Son who raised His two fingers as the Alpha and the Omega and who encompassed the entire world with His Love and Mercy. Now the justice of God will flash forth. I have waited patiently for 2000 years for My plans to unfold because God the Father permitted Satan to draw souls away from His truth. Satan's reign is ending this year and now I am moving swiftly on his turf to reclaim all those who were deceived and lost. I am determined to bring all My children back to My Son.
I requested over 80 years ago at Fatima sacrifice for sinner's conversion in reparation for sins against My Immaculate Heart.
I requested recitation of the rosary daily for peace in the world and to end the war. It was I your mother who said that only I could obtain it.
It was I who requested the consecration of Russia and Holy Saturday devotions. I predicted a future miracle that all might believe, and now as my plan commences, I once again predict a sign for this October.
God wished to establish world devotion to My Immaculate Heart and now My Immaculate Heart will triumph here at its center.
My plan has begun with the gathering of the magesterium of the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church officials, the leaders of the Arab and Jewish world, and the most powerful political leader of the United States and of the world at this center of my Immaculate Heart. Watch and see for I am about to meet Satan on his own turf and extinguish his ways forever.
Watch and see.
Message 294
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
July 20, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, you are all scattering like frightened children.
I have told you that My humility and tears have held back the angel's sword and that I am determined to bring all My children safely to My Son, yet you receive My words with fear and judgmental and hardened hearts.
You do not need to be afraid but should be happy the hand of God is upon you.
It is My duty as a Mother to point out to you that you are content when you hear words from heaven which appeal to your own liking and needs, but ignore and put off to fallacy any challenges or words you do not desire to hear.
Perhaps, little children you should humble yourself and ponder what faith is and how it represents God's truth at all costs.
Perhaps you need to check the facts of history and see how and what I spoke to My children at Fatima, Akita, Rue de Bac, La Sallette, and at Lourdes and how God spoke through the prophets, before you are held accountable for initiating scandals.
My Son and I are inseparable.
I have said I have a plan, yet this too is His plan.
Be at peace.
Be gentle and show acts of love and charity to others or you will not be able to recognize any sign from heaven because of your own pride and arrogance.
This only leads to affliction and self destruction.
The choice is yours, but know that I love you and will not abandon you.
I am your Mother who will always love you and point the way to My Son.
Peace. Thank you for responding to My call.
Message 295
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
July 27, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
If you misunderstand the Words of My Son, you will misunderstand My words to you.
My Son's love for you is not contingent upon the standards many people establish in the world for being successful.
He is God and does not change.
He loves all people, and the hatred He experienced from people and even His death did not change who He was and is today.
His love for you is endless.
He is a loving God not a dictator, but His life was one of suffering and misinterpretation.
When He walked the earth, He spoke often times of His passion, yet few believed that their Savior would be one who would suffer.
It is the same today.
You have different expectations of Him, just as His apostles did, who thought they knew what the Messiah would be like.
My Son suffered and was crucified with a self-sacrificing love for you.
You cannot give My Son glory if you speak of His love and suffering with your lips, and if at the same time, your hearts do not want His ways to infringe upon your lives.
He said if you desire to be first you must be last.
Little children, God desires you to live in unity without fear, but often times you pull back from community because of fear in order to protect yourself from intruders; and when you do this, you lose what you are trying to protect.
My Son said, "Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it."
There are two ways to live, little ones; a way of love or a way of fear.
Do not be fearful children but trust in God and have hope.
You are invited to enter into community with Him and one another, but He will not coerce you.
He wants you to be His friends. The choice is yours.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Message 296
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
August 3, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
It is My desire that all My children come to know and love My Son in The Most Blessed Sacrament.
It is My desire that through perpetual adoration of His Most Blessed Presence He be praised and honored in all the schools and churches around the world.
Then all My children will come to love and appreciate the child in My Son who suffered from His childhood through His Manhood, but retained His childlike ways of purity throughout His adult life even through His death.
Every precious life created and born into the world is as pure as My Son is pure.
It is both this purity and childlike heart which are necessary to be restored to their proper place in humanity.
As children grow they are exposed to the insults of demoralizing issues which contaminate their purity and confuse them.
They grow thinking they must change to the ways of the world in order to be loved and accepted.
My Son never lost His childlike purity, and this truth of His purity must be restored in every human being before any person can see God face to face.
The Holy Spirit, little children, shall sanctify the world through the Sacraments and enlighten the world with the hope and truth of the child Jesus in a Eucharistic reign.
Peace to you.
I bless you in the name of My Son.
Thank you for responding to my call.
Message 297
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
August 10, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Take every opportunity to be gentle of heart and full spirited in love.
Every act of surrender will result in a closer union with God. It is not
always easy to trust my Son when it seems that your walk is one in which you
walk alone. I tell you, little children, that you are not alone but you need
to believe my words with all of your minds, hearts and souls.
There will always be people who feel they are more knowledgeable in
spiritual matters and who are quick to judge with not only their minds, but
also with their lips. The act of surrender, loving gestures and consistency
in behavior will prove your authenticity as a true child of God. The more
you judge and speak ill of someone, the more you expose your own lack of
genuineness as a child of God.
Surrender more, little children. Surrender to God in love by surrendering
in love to one another. The truth of all spiritual matters will be revealed
by God in time. Your responsibility is to trust and surrender to God's way
and to love one another equally with the same love you carry in your hearts
for your own beloved ones.
Peace to you. I take your petitions this evening. Thank you for
responding to my call.
Message 298
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
August 17, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus:
Little ones, your strength, hope and love spring from your relationship
with My Son fostered by prayer. Pray at all times. Never let my Son leave
your mind. He is your help and your comfort. Meditate on His life, His
cross and what He suffered for His love for you. He is with you, and as I
stood beneath His cross in anguish, I also remain with you in all
circumstances and sufferings. He will never leave you. Pray, little
children. Pray together to God and for each other. As you do this, you join
in sharing in the charity of each others' works and also have the strength to
bear in the sufferings of the cross. Your bitterness will be changed into
sweetness and you will grow in humility, charity and unity towards one
Be attentive, little children, in prayer and to one another as I your
Mother am attentive to your needs. Listen to the will of my Son as it is
revealed through my priests and the Sacraments of my church. Only when you
pray together and in the spirit of charitable love, selflessness and humility
can the will and voice of God be revealed.
Peace to you. I present your petitions to my Son. We are here with you
to stay. Give my Son your struggles. Letting go seems difficult to do but
true love is that which does not cling to ones own desires. The heart is
made pure by giving away and sharing. Thank you for responding to my call.
Message 299
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
August 24, 2000
Dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, be attentive and careful not to abuse or misuse the graces
God gives to you. My Son is the bridge that rescued you when you broke away
from the path of God through the disobedience and the sin of Adam. Be
attentive now, little children, to render God glory the way you ought to
through acts of charity and love.
If you abuse the graces of my Son, your guilt will be grave because you
have received more through the redemption of His blood. My Son reconciled
you by means of His blood and confounded falsehood. He destroyed death and
darkness. He gave you life and He gives you grace and virtue. If you
receive His grace and abuse it by not responding with acts of charity toward
others, you will end up harming yourself. The Mercy of my Son disposes you
to perform acts of love for one another. For this God created you. If you
insult God the Father through selfish uncharitable acts, your debt incurred
will be great.
My Son is the bridge of life to heaven. His power gives you the virtues
of fortitude, wisdom and truth and the Holy Spirit gives the love of virtue.
Cross over the bridge to eternal life, little ones. Be children of love and
truth, and you will be united to the Father and dwell in infinite peace.
I bless you in His name and take your petitions to my Son. Peace.
Thank you for responding to my call.
Message 300
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
August 31, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, when people come to you, be happy and make every effort to
transmit the love of God to them. Your way of life will reveal the truth of
God's mercy and expose any vanity of heart in those who have closed their
hearts to God's love.
My Son wants you to receive His peace, and once peace dwells in your
hearts it is not easily lost. It is important, children, that you do not
allow yourselves to be upset by the burdens of life. My Son will free you if
you give your lives to Him openly and freely to do with you as He desires.
He wants all of you. Do whatever He tells you to do. This is where your joy
and peace lies. God is patient and will work with you. He will be your
helper and give you the light to see the depth of your soul. You will know
the beauty of His love.
As my Son was crucified and was lifted high on the cross, He was not
separated from earth but He drew all people to Himself. He is the way, the
truth and the life. Rely on the affection of His love accompanied by true
humility and perfect patience; rely on it with a hunger for His honor and the
salvation of souls. Peace, little children. My Son is here with you.
Thank you for responding to my call.
Message 301
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
September 7, 2000
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, remain in the peace of my Son. My Son will not betray you
even though darkness and betrayal led Him to the threshold of His passion.
Give yourself to my Son in an act of pure and total love. Offer your
strengths and weaknesses to Him at the foot of His cross. Place everything
at His feet; the little feet of my Son as the Child Jesus, who in His
gentleness and purity gave Himself unreservedly and ever so sweetly to the
last steps He walked without any regrets as the Son of Man, The Man of
Do not be afraid, Children, for Jesus is your victory. Do not be
afraid to step into the darkness of His passion because this is where your
victory and glory in my Son are fulfilled. This is where you will be able to
identify with Him in your trial of faith; and this is how you become
beautiful and are transformed into His love. All that matters is LOVE,
children. All that matters is LOVE. Have a heart of a grateful child.
Peace to you.
I take your petitions in my arms and will present them to my Son who
is all sweetness. Your confidence in Him should have no bounds.
Thank you for responding to my call.
Message 302
Dr. Michael Sullivan requested this statement disseminated:
On September 8, 2000 the Archdiocese of Baltimore directed that the
Thursday night prayer group meetings, the site of the alleged
apparitions of the Virgin Mary to Gianna Talone-Sullivan and Our
Lady's public message for the world, held at St. Joseph's Roman
Catholic Church in Emmitsburg, MD, be discontinued at this time. In
response to this directive the following statement has been released:
This is a gift.
Be at peace.
Continue to pray.
God's hand is in all of this.
Watch and see!
Drs. Gianna and Michael Sullivan
September 21, 2000
Dear Friends in Christ,
It is with a grateful heart that I write to you in thanksgiving for all of your letters, cards, masses and flowers. The love in my heart for you is far greater than what words can express. I encourage you to continue to move forward in God's Love, to persevere, and to pray. A genuine child of God is forgiving, loving and merciful. We must be like a rose petal, fresh and willing to die in all of its softness for Our Lord as if plucked and tossed at the foot of the Cross. The greatest tribute you can give me is to focus all of your attention on Our Lord, remain faithful to the Church and the Sacraments and stay in the state of grace which only God can give. Know that Michael and I unite with you in prayer with grateful hearts and we will continue to pray for your intentions privately. Thank you and God bless you.
In the Covenant of the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I am gratefully yours,
Gianna Sullivan