MESSAGES of the 3rd QUARTER of 1999


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

July 1, 1999

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Do not fear, little ones, God is with you. You are not alone.

Every strand of hair on your head is accounted for by your creator.

There is a plan for each one of you. You are very valuable in the eyes

of God. Jesus does not want one of His children to stray from Him. He

desires you to pray and to know God's truth. He desires you to be

children of His light, children of mercy. It is very important that you

do not spurn His mercy or reject His mercy.

Pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten you so that you will be

able to be honest children and see the truth of God's mercy. There are

so many people who are blind to God's truth because of the pain and

loneliness and lack of love in their lives. They hide from their sorrow

by taking drugs of all sorts, such as narcotics and alcohol and deny

receipt of God's mercy. Many people are dishonest and deceitful, yet

Jesus loves them and desires them to receive His mercy. There are so

many people affected with pain that they do not know which way to walk

to find God's love. They do not realize they do not need to 'find' God

because He is there by their sides wanting to give them His love and

desiring to shed His mercy.

Pray, little children, for all peoples and work together fervently

to help others know the truth and mercy of God. I bless all of you this

night as I take your petitions to My Son.

Peace be with you. Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

Message 247


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

July 8, 1999

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Pray, little children. Pray with all of your hearts. Look to your

Savior's heart which shed blood for you. Please pray, pray, pray! Pray

that every good thought, prayer, and desire to be like Jesus will

reflect in your actions. Pray your interior being may be one with your

exterior self so that you may completely be whole in God's love.

Your soul was created for the glory of God. It desires to live in

unity with the Holy Trinity while in this world until it dwells for all

eternity in God's eternal bliss of love. You have the power and the

strength of the love of Jesus. Have faith in Him and trust in Him

unconditionally. People who are searching will follow your example of

love. Be like Jesus in meekness, humility, patience and mortification.

There is so much to gain in His light and there is so much He desires to

give to you. He will not mislead you. He will guide you in His

merciful love.

Sorrow exists in this world yet you can be the light, hope and love

of Jesus. Trust Him. Believe in His word. Do not disbelieve. Believe

and you will see miraculous works of His mercy. There is great joy in

Jesus. Without Him you possess nothing even though you may think you

have everything.

Peace be with you. I bless you in His Holy name and take your

petitions to Him. Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

Message 248


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

July 15, 1999

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

I come to you, my little ones, on behalf of Jesus your Savior, who

dwells in the most Blessed Sacrament. I come to ask you to pray for

peace and to return to God. Pray, pray, pray, little children. So many

people are walking away from God's truth. They are walking away from

His word. They are seeking words to fulfill their own desires and to

make themselves feel good inside. They are being mislead by thinking

this new way of god-centering energy will bring them closer to God and

intimate with the Holy Spirit.

The only way you can develop an intimate relationship with God

almighty is by becoming "little." You must decrease in all ways and He

must increase in all ways. You must accept enlightenment of your

weaknesses and embrace them, for it is in your weaknesses that you are

made powerful in the eyes of God.

People must return to the true word of God. There is only one way

which has been outlined for you through My Son. Many are seeking

various props or words to help them feel good and closer to God. Simply

look to Jesus. Bow only to the crucified Jesus by gazing upon the

crucifix and the most Blessed Sacrament, adoring Him with reverence.

Pray also for peace, little ones, because there is tremendous

desire on every level for power. The subtlety of evil has infiltrated

the world through trickery, deceitfulness, anger, malice and control. A

forced peace is not lasting. A binding contract is only temporary.

Peace must come from the heart. It can only come from God. If people

walk away from God they will not know true peace.

Pray, pray, pray, little children. I take your petitions to the

Father. I bless you in the name of Jesus. Those who seek His true word

will be blessed with His peace.

Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

Message 249


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

July 22, 1999

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

The heart of Jesus will reign for all eternity! You have been

given a great gift, little ones. The gift of Jesus Himself in the most

Blessed Sacrament is yours. Please give yourself to Him. Hold Him

close in your heart and never let Him go because His goodness and His

love is without end.

There are many leaders and many followers in the world, but there

is only one God, your Savior, Jesus. Everything will come to an end at

some point, but there is no end in Jesus. Your safe refuge is in His

most Sacred Heart. Listen to the word of God. Jesus is present in the

word. The church came forth from the heart of My Son who died on the

cross for you. He is present in the word and in the most Blessed

Sacrament. He is present in the priest who proclaims His word.

Truly children, God has given you a tremendous gift of Himself.

The power behind the gift is a mystery to many people and is rarely

acknowledged today because many are blind to the true elements which

gain them power. Do you understand the meaning of meekness, littleness

and simplicity? Seek the answers in these and replace them to their

lawful throne. Then you will find the truth and the power which rests

in Jesus, your Savior. You too can be the fabric of My Son woven with

the finest silk.

I love you, little children, but you need to be just that, "little

children"! It is the only way to gain power and rise to the top. I

bless you in the name of Jesus and I take your petitions to Him. Do not

be afraid to be "little". Be afraid you might become lost through the

works of evil from hidden pride. Pray your petitions might not be

confounded but will find a gracious hearing with God. Where your

treasure is, there too is your heart. Where is the heart of Jesus,

little children? Peace to you. Thank you for responding to My call. AD


Message 250


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

July 29, 1999

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Little ones, Jesus feeds you and nourishes you with the spirit of

His life and His love. You also must nourish one another with His

spirit of love. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the

imprisoned, provide the poor with the necessities of life, but also as

you do these things, nourish them with God's love.

It is one thing to give out of duty or abundance or a desire to

serve to address the problem of poverty; but it is another thing to give

unconditionally, to receive God's mercy, and to meet Him in those you

serve. Service must be out of genuine love for it to be fruitful. When

it is done with the spirit of love of Jesus, then humanity meets the

divinity and is intermingled with it just as Jesus' divinity

intermingled with humanity.

As He walked the way of human life, He suffered tremendous interior

pain, for few received Him. Is it not the same for those who are

authentic? They are persecuted, spoken ill of by others, and generally

not received by the authorities of the church. Few people really desire

God to be God, including many in the church, because they are afraid

their own desires may not be fulfilled and God might ask them to do

something different. There has been little change in the world at all

levels over the history of time.

When will you allow Jesus to enter your hearts fully and most

completely? He is all merciful, kind and compassionate. His love will

transform you if you will allow Him. He will silence your fears if you

will trust Him fully. Why does God always have to perform a sign to

change your hearts? Can you not be the miraculous sign to the world by

putting aside your ways of yourself and be all of Jesus Himself in His

love? Ponder, little ones, your invitation from Jesus Himself to be


I love you and take your petitions to My Son. Peace be with you.

Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

Message 251


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

August 5, 1999

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Little ones, when you give your whole heart to Jesus, it means you

are willing to carry out everything you are asked by Him. It does not

mean you will necessarily have all the trimmings or feelings of human

love. To give your heart to God is a commitment to Him which is

everlasting. It entails giving your thoughts, actions and your soul to

Jesus and to love Him with all of your heart and mind. People love

differently on a human scale; but when the soul loves God, it separates

the attachments of the human life from that which is divine. All the

masquerades and struggles of life and all the imaginary pleasures and

powers of life, including the love of life, are silenced. God alone is

adored and served.

Be children of His light. Do not allow your soul to be monopolized

by the passions of this temporary life, but allow it to become detached,

uprooting the controls and attachments placed on it by self-love. There

should be only one attachment for the soul and that attachment is to God


The spirit of the soul cries out and longs to be with its Creator.

Allow your spirit to be in union with God. It is not a question of

whether your soul could be attached to God and live in union with Him,

but rather the question is whether you would allow it. Little children,

please give your whole heart to Jesus. From the heart stems acts of

good or evil and the evolution of morals. All the details of your life

are influenced by the heart.

Ponder my words and synchronize your thoughts, words from your

lips, and actions to reflect a sincere heart. Peace be with you. I

take your petitions to Jesus who I thank for allowing me to come to you

in this special way. Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

Message 252


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

August 19, 1999

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

God is light, little ones. You need light in order to see. Light

reveals what lies hidden in darkness. You need His light to enlighten

yourself. He will show you which path you are walking and which path is

the way of truth. You need light to sustain life. Jesus is the light

of life. Make no mistake but to be children of His light.

I love you, little children, and desire you all to know the truth

about life and the current way of the world. I am not a mother who

instills fear but a mother who gives hope. A mother has the

responsibility to teach her children about authentic love, true freedom,

honest practices and just human values, thus securing the respect for

the moral order. A grave injustice is done on the human society as a

whole when individuals, such as government authorities, do not respect

and promote true human values. I am here to gather My children, so they

may seek refuge in My Immaculate Heart and grow harmoniously in their

spiritual development. I point to My Son who gifts Wisdom to all who

desire to know the truth and receive the light to know themselves.

Jesus has come to save you, little ones, not condemn you. He is

merciful but you must desire the truth and desire charity accompanied by

patience and compassion to dwell in your souls. There is no room for

evil. Jesus will not tolerate evil acts and His justice will prevail,

but He is merciful to the repentant sinner.

Peace to you, little children. I love you and I take your

petitions this night. I bless you in the name of Jesus. Progress in

His love and the foundation of His truth by respecting the laws He has

written. Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

Message 253


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

August 26, 1999

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Jesus loves you, little children. Lift your heads in songs of

praise to Him. He endured the torments of death for you. No one knows

the depth of the pain and sorrow which He endured in patience for the

salvation of humanity. You will do well to ponder the passion and death

of My Son. Even the least thought of My Son's agony on the cross for

your salvation will submerge you into His Most sacred Heart. His holy

cross and death delivered you from the darkness of death.

Venerate His holy cross, even in your unworthiness, and you will be

delivered from Hell, for Jesus is your Savior and is merciful. He was

sacrificed and endured the insults, scourges, spittle and sacred pains

for you.

Come, little children. Come to Jesus who was rejected and

betrayed. Come to your Savior. He awaits your love to dress His

wounds. Do not allow the devil to frighten you by presenting to you the

sins of your youth. Jesus is your Savior. Humble yourself and repent.

Trust in His mercy and He will justify you in His love.

I take your petitions to Jesus. Do not fear but have hope, little

ones. I bless you in the name of My Son your Savior. Peace to you.

Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

Message 254


Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message

Through Gianna Talone Sullivan

at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD

September 2, 1999

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

How much time do you spend wondering what should be done about your problems?

How much time do you spend each day in prayer? If you weigh the two,

you will notice less time is spent on the latter. Perhaps you have so many problems

you are not able to pray.

Little children, prayer is the artery for bringing aid to your problems and peace in your life.

Embrace God's plan for you each day and move forward in peace. Rest in My Son.

This life, as you know it, is full of many different surges of waves,

but the message of the Incarnation is peace. The angels brought the message of peace when

Jesus entered the world, and before He died He entrusted His love, peace and life to you.

Jesus overcame death so you could have life. His message was peace.

Did He not say, "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you"?

Therefore, little children, be at peace in Jesus. Total surrender leads to total joy.

Trust Jesus in every facet of life. Do not be anxious. Do not despair. Spend time in prayer.

Tomorrow will come soon enough. Spend today in the peace of My Son,

and through the fruits of prayer you will address your problems with His love and His peace.

Follow the little way of Jesus.

I take your petitions to Him.

Peace be with you.

Thank you for responding to My Call.


Message 255