MESSAGES of the 4th QUARTER of 1999
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
October 7, 1999
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Pray, little children, with all your hearts for prayer does not
make you weak but strong. If you do not pay attention to My words, it
will be difficult for you to focus on Jesus in times of difficulty and
confusion. The soul needs and desires God's light to refresh it with
the truth of His love. Please let Jesus reveal Himself to you. There
is a rising number of strained relationships and difficulties and the
souls are searching for faith and love. People desire consolation but
are faced with desolation.
Children, you all need God in your lives and it is necessary to
take a positive stance for the truth of God's word and voice His love
with a courage. He will not abandon you in your time of need. Do not
be afraid to be the beautiful light of His love to the world. The
child-like and simplistic souls will confound the proud and do powerful
things for God.
My Son hears the cry of His people. Their souls desire to be free
and cry out to Him. Join Me, little children, in prayer. Be the
uniting voice of His love. Peace be with you.
I take your petitions to the Father. Thank you for responding to
My call. AD DEUM.
Message 259
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
October 14, 1999
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Pay attention, little ones, that you follow the one true church and
remain faithful to God. There is great discussion at various levels in
which many people will go to extraordinary lengths to rationalize the
sins they commit. It is not correct and is very dangerous to think or
say you have the right to follow your conscience in all matters.
Look to the correct expression of truth that you should practice by
your conscience which has been outlined for you by my beloved pope. He
speaks the truth of My Son and is your teacher for My Son. Principles
of the moral order are derived in order to uphold the dignity,
sacredness and freedom of your souls. God's ways are not measured by
human ways of looking at things, and the Holy Spirit does not conform
itself to your standards. To be all of Jesus is to embrace all of His
ways of truth.
There are many tactics that are employed, little children, in order
to confuse you, distract you, misinform you and paralyze your faith. It
is my desire that all God's children know His truth and be protected in
His love. Do not fall into despair, but be encouraged in My Motherly
Heart. Jesus will give you an abundance of strength and consolation. I
trust in His merciful love.
I bless you in the name of His Eucharistic Heart and I take your
petitions to Him. I love you, My little children. Peace be with you.
Thank you for listening to My call of alertness. AD DEUM.
Message 260
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
October 21, 1999
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Do not be afraid, little ones, to allow Jesus to heal you of your
many wounds inflicted upon you over the course of your life. My Son
desires you to know what true life is and for you to live it. My Son
can change any paralyzing circumstance which has caused devastation and
wounds into something good if you allow Him the opportunity. Nothing is
impossible with God. Freedom is within your reach and you can be
enthroned in My Son's virtues of joy and peace. Do not lose hope. Do
not despair. Seek the truth.
I have spoken of this many times in order to help you focus on
Jesus and to not become distracted by the confusing ways of the world.
You must be solid in your commitment to follow the way of My Son if you
are to be planted on sturdy ground for futuristic events of
You are about to enter an era of cleansing which will lead to
peace, true peace in My Son. I am not speaking of peace in the world as
you know it to be. I am speaking of God's peace. In order to receive
His peace you must be enlightened with His truth, accept it, embrace it
and live it.
All people will have the opportunity to choose life, the truth and
peace. Sinners will have the opportunity to come back to grace and
holiness. This is the place, the center of My Immaculate Heart, where
My Son's Divine Mercy will be unveiled.
In the name of the child Jesus, I place the seal of protection
against evil upon your soul, sanctified by grace for My Son's glorious
reign. All hearts must be purged of iniquity and renewed in His love.
This area, the center of My Immaculate Heart, is a refuge for all My
children, My "little" children. Peace to you.
I take your petitions to God the Father in honor of My son. Thank
you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
Message 261
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
October 28, 1999
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Satan would like you to be distracted by fear, little children.
Many people have different interpretations of My words which are causing
fear and confusing discussions. I have said perfect love casts out fear
and Satan cannot love. Do not focus on fear but instead focus on
changing your old ways to new ones of honesty, love, compassion and
works of mercy.
My heart is sorrowful to see people motivated by fearful
circumstances. Why is it I must speak of future purification to gain
your attention? All words from Heaven I speak on behalf of My Son are
of equal importance whether they be words of comfort or words of
challenge. Little children, if people loved the word of My Son in the
gospel, there would be no need of My visitation. It is because there is
a large percentage of the world who are indifferent to His truth that I
come to plead and invite all to return to Him.
There are so many deceptions and demoralizing issues which have
infected the world. Many people don't know what is God's truth. Unless
people become centered on Jesus in prayer, His true presence in the
Eucharist and live a sacramental life, His truth will only continue to
be diluted by the pollution of sin, and fear will become the end
All of My Son's works stem from love and mercy. He is not
vindictive. If iniquity is to be purged in sinners, God allows it only
so all have the opportunity to share in His glory. He can only love and
any purification is an act of His merciful love. You are mistaken to
think God destroys life. Humanity is responsible for the destruction of
life through rejection of God's truth. Cease desiring to be served but
serve. Peace.
Thank you for responding to My Call. AD DEUM.
Message 262
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
November 4, 1999
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, all of you can do what Jesus is calling you to do. It
simply starts with a "yes." My Son is with you at all times. All you
need to do is to close your eyes and look within. He dwells in your
heart if you allow Him. Let all the works that you do and all that you
feel stem from your "fiat" to My Son. Make your "yes" a firm "yes" and
do not take it back. Always recommit yourself to God continually.
Do not worry, little children, if you do not act as you mean to at
times. My son said the virtuous person falls seven times. As long as
you do not deliberately say "yes" to the evil one's temptation, he
cannot be victorious. You can be certain that the evil one would like
to cause contradictions in your interior life with Jesus, and often
times it may seem that evil has won over your good intentions.
If you are attached to Jesus, you belong to Him and you are safe in
His love. His name alone carries with it power and protection. Ponder
the name of Jesus. Say His name out loud. Repeat His name quietly over
and over again in your heart. The more you repeat the name of "Jesus"
alone, the more you will be able to have a dialogue with Him until you
become aware of His beautiful silent presence within your heart.
I love you, little children, in the name of "Jesus." I take your
petitions to His most merciful heart. Peace to you. Thank you for
responding to My call. AD DEUM.
Message 263
Our Lady's Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at Steel City Medjugorje Marian Conference
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
November 6, 1999
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Dear little ones, do you not know that My Son will never abandon you? He
lives in your hearts and He loves you, and I am your Mother of Mercy and I
take you all, My dear little children, into My mantle to comfort you, to
cleanse you and to present you to My Son.
Do not be afraid, little ones, but do not seek signs either. You have
all that you need. Look ahead. Do you not see Him? Do you not see Him
within your hearts?
Close your eyes and repeat the name of Jesus and there you shall be safe
for all eternity. The day will come when you will truly know of the
tremendous love and gift that God has given you. The love of My Son. The
love of His life that He desires to share with you. Take it, do not be
afraid to take a risk. You seem to be afraid and your fear is preventing you
from being free. He is with you. I cannot tell you that many more times
because He is with you. You have the choice to believe it or not.
My Son has healed you tonight, My little ones, in many areas. It is for
you to thank Him, to claim it and to rejoice and to move forward never to
doubt Him. I bless you, little ones, on this very special evening in honor
of My Son. I bless you my dear beloved priests. Those of you have given
your life, your very breath to My Son. I bless you in His most glorious and
humble name. Thank you for bringing Jesus into the lives of so many who are
hungry for love.
I bless you all in the name of My Son and I take all of your petitions
this evening to the throne of the Holy Trinity. Thank you for responding to
My call and thank you for allowing Me to be here with you in this special
way. AD DEUM.
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
November 11, 1999
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, you continue to look for signs and proof of God's
existence. The only true proof of His existence is His own disclosure
of Himself, and His will within your own heart. It is the Holy Spirit
which bears witness with your spirit that you are children of God. You
are missing the important moment of His presence by looking and looking
for external signs and wonders. Do not insist upon having "signs" from
God. Be grateful for your visitation from heaven.
If you focus on signs, then the signs become your idols. Worship
God alone! Your trust and faith alone should be in Him. There is one
God, the Father from whom all things exist, and one Lord, your Jesus,
through whom all things exist.
Do not lose your focus. Simplify and pay attention to His word.
You all desire to cling to someone. Cling to Jesus. He is the real God
available to you.
I love you, little children, and desire you to receive the fullness
of His love. I take your petitions to the Most Sacred Heart. Peace.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
Message 264
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
November 18, 1999
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, it is a great sorrow for My Son and a pain in His
Heart when people believe they can have union with God without prayer
and they do not believe in His true presence in the most Blessed
Sacrament or in eternal life after death. Those lost souls are missing
the great opportunity to know the treasure that is available within
their souls. They separate themselves from God and will not be able to
see Him unveiled in heaven in all His beauty. Those who contemplate
Jesus will love Him and desire to live every aspect of His life and
death. They will accept their cross, as did My Son, with arms extended.
They want to share His eternal life.
I tell you, little children, that hell does exist. Do not be
deceived to think you can have God dwell within you without prayer.
Satan's influence is strong. You must pray. To know God and to have an
intimate relationship with Him, you must carry Him within your soul
through His grace. Hell is a burning furnace where souls choose to go
because they ignore or despise God's merciful grace. If you think you
must be wicked in deeds alone to enter hell, you are quite wrong. If
your life is pleasant and filled with all the cares of living but it is
exempt from prayer, you are cultivating an environment in which at the
hour of your death you will be forced to understand how you refused
God's grace. You will receive the Knowledge of Truth and your own
judgment becomes final when you reject God's mercy and you choose to
live forever in hell.
To see God, little children, you must remain in a state of grace.
You must pray continuously within your souls. I am your Mother who
desires you to awake from the darkness of the world. The greatest
sorrow any soul can suffer is the torture that results to those souls
who go to hell with the knowledge that they will never see God.
Join Me in prayer, little children. Do not be submerged in
ignorance but absorb the knowledge of God's Truth and light. Share with
Me the joy of My Motherhood. Peace to you. I take your petitions to My
Son, your Messiah.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
Message 265
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
December 2, 1999
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Lift your hearts up to God Almighty with songs of joy. Your zeal
of love will comfort the newborn babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and
embrace him with warmth. Slow down, little children, and ponder the
moment of your salvation with the birth of Jesus who humbled Himself and
stripped Himself to nothingness in order to take on the sinfulness of
the world. Divinity meets humanity and humanity joins divinity through
the one act of love from the Father, fulfilled through the Son of man
and fortified through the Holy Spirit.
Enjoy the good cheer of giving of oneself to others, but in the
process remember that it is My Son who is the TRUE gift of love who
allowed each one of you to share in His Divinity through His gift of
Himself to you. Live this season of Advent as if it were its first and
last. Be filled with the joy of a child when presented with a priceless
gift. Take time for God, your Emmanuel. Put aside your burdens and
pressures enforced by the fast pace way of life and stop for a while to
reflect what it means to be a child of God and heir to His Kingdom.
The act of His coming into the world, forfeiting His Kingship,
through His selflessness, littleness, and purity, made Him vulnerable to
the world's rejection and invited you to receive the award from heaven.
Take time to ponder how this one act brought forth salvation to the
world. Slow down, little ones. Pray in thanksgiving to God the Father
for your Savior and ponder what this means for you, and how you can be
like Him.
I love you and bless you in His name. I take your petitions to the
Father in thanksgiving for the gift of My Son. Peace to you. Thank you
for responding to My Call. AD DEUM.
Message 266
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
December 9, 1999
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Rejoice, the earth is being renewed by the presence of heaven. My
Son is coming to dispel the darkness of your minds and hearts. Rejoice
to have a Savior who loves you and is coming to give you a breath of
heaven. Be at peace with one another and truly accept that the day of
your salvation is near. Receive the joy, anticipation and excitement of
a child's heart awaiting a prize treasure.
Do not let your failure discourage you. You were once lost, but My
Son found you. You were dead and have come back to life. My Son's
mercy is upon you and a lavish feast is awaiting you through the
sacrament of reconciliation. Come to your Savior, your Shepherd who
will lead you in the virtues of humility and generosity.
I love you, little children, and desire you to know the love of My
Son so that you may attain the utter fullness of God Himself. You will
be filled with the Trinitarian love with which the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit love one another and with which they love you. Make your heart a
new heart by adjusting your vision on My Son.
Peace, little ones. I take your petitions to the cradle of God
Himself. Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
Message 267
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
December 16, 1999
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Ponder, little ones, how your Savior entered into the world born of
your Immaculate Mother. I the handmaid of the Lord your God was
betrothed to Joseph who was a just man of the house of David. As I was
gathering water from the town well, a brilliant light from heaven
approached me. Startled by this light I made in haste my way home.
Once in my humble quarters there again a brilliant light from heaven
entered my quarters and from this light came the melodious voice of an
angel who announced "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you! Fear
not. You have found grace before God. You will bear a son. He will be
great and will be the son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him
the throne of his father David and he will reign over the house of Jacob
forever and His Kingdom will have no end."
My little children, God in His love instructed my soul and spoke to
me in the middle of the silence and darkness of the world. There I
surrendered in the trust and poverty of a child. I did not know the land
I would travel or the route. I had only one desire, that of reaching
the summit of love. My Joseph and I were led by God through passages
where we saw nothing but a half- veiled light, but that light was God
Himself advancing us toward His mountain of love.
You also, children, are invited to walk the passage of love seen
though it may be veiled with silence and little consolation. Surrender
in hope and watch. Your Jesus will turn your sorrow and darkness into
joy, and a luminous light will dawn a new tomorrow. Wait in
anticipation and adore Him. Walk where He leads you with the trust and
poverty of a child. The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of
the Most High will overshadow you!
The Holy child to be born will be called Son of God! He is YOUR
God, children, He is YOUR Jesus, YOUR Savior, and nothing will be
impossible for He is God. Reach out to Him. Say "yes" to His will and
entrust your lives to Him. He will lead you through the darkness into
the light, through the cold and wind to warmth and to a safe harbor, a
destiny filled with love. There is hope for you, little children, there
is hope.
Peace to you. I take your petitions to My Beloved Son, your
Savior. Thank you for responding to My Call. AD DEUM.
Message 268
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
December 23, 1999
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
As you celebrate the birth of Jesus, little ones, know you
celebrate the gift of His cross. Those of you who truly desire to be
followers of My Son can expect experiences of persecution at the hands
of the world as the Holy Family experienced. You live in a world where
the persecutions may be more subtle; but none the less as you live His
message of peace, love and justice, you will be threatened because of
His truth and proper moral values. The dignity of every human being is
being threatened today because of modern issues of human sexuality; and
if you follow the true way of My Son, the Christ-child, then you will be
rejected and ridiculed in society.
It is the parents who are responsible for nurturing the children's
faith and teaching pure moral values. It is the grandparents role to
support the parents in bringing the children's faith to fruition. With
sound principles then the children grow and become who God created them
to be, as they search and live God's plan. Then as parents you must let
them go so they can be all of God's children.
But in today's world more time is spent in teaching children about
success, money, prestige, fame and power through subtleties which they
are practicing in their home life. Therefore, their maturations are
fortified in worldly enticements instead of spiritual and religious
beliefs. Then when pain and suffering come, they do not look through
the eyes of faith so that their suffering may be redemptive and their
suffering has no value or meaning. Death becomes a fearful process and
suicide and euthanasia become appealing.
The birth of Jesus is the birth of the cross. Jesus is your Savior
and the cross is your salvation. Embrace your little King and accept
His cross with His peace. Teach and educate your children about the
True ways of Jesus. Help them learn what it entails, true life in
Peace to you. I take your petitions to your Emmanuel. Adore Him
in Holy Silence.
Thank you for responding to My call. NOEL. AD DEUM.
[Our Lady came with the baby Jesus tonight]
Message 269
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
December 30, 1999
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Every day is a new beginning, little ones, in the eyes of God.
There is always hope for sorrow to end and love and mercy to prevail.
It is wise not to look to the end but to the beginning of every aspect
of life. God the Father has given to you everything good and My Son
walked your way before you to show you the only way to peace and true
happiness. Do not be afraid. Persevere in love and peace. Join me in
prayer for unity and peace.
I am a Mother who has shared the pain of the cross and accepted the
suffering which shadowed over me as I stood beneath My Son nailed to the
cross. I am close to you. Jesus is close to you. I live in Him. You
can live in Him also.
Thank Jesus for all the abundant graces you have received. Do not
look to your suffering and sorrow as the end, but see through eyes of
faith its redemptive value and hope for you. Jesus is by your side when
you suffer. There is a reason in God's eyes for suffering or the act on
Calvary would have been an act of vanity. Jesus died for you. I
accepted the cross He gave to Me. You also are invited to accept your
sufferings with hope and peace. Join Jesus, little children, as you
enter a new day, a new beginning and the era of peace it promises, peace
not as the world knows it to be but as only God can give.
I invite you to join Me in prayer for this peace. I take your
petitions to My Son. Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
Message 270