December 3, 1998
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, do not become distracted by your old ways. Jesus is forever forgiving. Put on the garment of your new self, embroidered with love and mercy. Do not despair and never refuse to ask forgiveness from God. Be mindful not to sin against the Holy Spirit. Salvation comes from God. It is given to you by the Holy Spirit.
If you believe your sin is so great that God cannot forgive you, then you are in danger of blasphemy and are rejecting salvation. Neither should you be so presumptuous that Jesus will forgive you that you avoid asking for forgiveness. Your attitude and behavior must be one of humility and meekness.
Only Jesus can help you. You cannot enter heaven on your own effort. You cannot be saved without His help. You are not God, nor do you have the power to save yourself. Jesus is merciful and there is no sin which is so offensive that He will not forgive, but you must do your part and cooperate with His grace. You need to not only ask Him for forgiveness, but you also need to ask My Son for His assistance to avoid whatever is leading you to sin.
Too often when people do not receive the answer or wish they desire from God when they pray, they take matters into their own hands. Too often comments offend Him, such as "God did not answer our prayers" or "We have waited long enough, and God has done nothing to help us!" These are sins which revolt against God's will and directly opposes your obedience to My Son who achieved your salvation. God always answers your prayers.
What is He telling you? Do your desires conform with the laws of Peter's Church? Are you humble enough to accept His answers and follow His will? Do you really want His assistance? Do you really want to be happy and free? Is He really your God? It is time to reflect on the truths of God. It is time to do penance and ask Him for forgiveness from the sins of pride and self-exaltation. It is time to receive His merciful love. We are closing in on this current age.
I love you little children. I love you in the purity of My Son Jesus, who blesses you this night. I take your petitions and will lay them by the wood of His cradle. Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
December 10, 1998
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Rejoice O little children of Bethlehem, your Savior lives in the silence of the night. Welcome Him with psalms of praise and hymns of joy. You are not abandoned or forgotten. You are His little children and He awaits the time to give to you great gifts of cheer.
Be at peace for Jesus is among you. His mercy is without end and is among generation to generation. You are the generation approaching a new millennium and are privileged indeed to participate in an historic event. However the true privilege is to unite with your fellow countrymen and people of all nations, faiths and race through the mystical silence of the love of Jesus.
My Son will renew the face of the earth. You can assist Him by practicing mercy towards one another. The more you are merciful to your neighbor, the more you will achieve the mercy of Jesus. You can also then renew the face of the earth. The more you give, the more you will receive. "Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy."
The new dawn is approaching and you will have the choice to embrace it with peace, calm and tranquility of heart or fear, confusion, panic and chaos. Begin to rest in the silence of Jesus. You will dwell in His peace and know His Essence.
I love you, little ones, and bless you in His Holy name. I take your petitions to the Father with songs of thanksgiving and unquestionable trust. Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
December 17, 1998
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, endure with perseverance any trials from God. Place all your trust in Him. Empty your minds of all the racing thoughts and allow Jesus to refresh you. By silencing your mind you are able to permit your heart to speak to you and reveal to you God's will. Place all your anxieties, fears, struggles and thoughts in the abyss of God's love.
You must be attentive to God and disciplined in order to control disturbing and bothersome thoughts which can distract you from seeking humility. God will mold and test you continuously to purify you and to free you of your self-interest. He desires you to dwell in union with God the Father and desires you to embrace His all encompassing love. In order to do that, you must entrust yourself fully to Him.
He will grace you with inner peace and it will not be short- lived. Endure patiently all suffering which is purifying your souls and which will allow you to ascend His mountain. Take some quiet time and allow the reality of His presence to overcome your sufferings and remove your anxiousness. Allow Him to make His abode in you. You will be filled with His peace and you will grow in humility and His love. Self-love will be replaced with God's love if you silence your mind, persevere in His trials and endure the purification of your souls. It is a wonderful opportunity for God to be magnified within you.
I love you, little children, and take your petitions to Jesus. I bless you in His name and I thank Him for allowing Me to be here with you in this special way of visitation. Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call. Noel.
December 24, 1998
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
No Public Message - Christmas Eve
December 31, 1998
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Jesus is your Savior. It is through this one act on Calvary that you belong to Him and not because of your merits. Rejoice that He is your Lord and that you are His solely because of His love for you. Ponder in wonderment His love for you. You will see how your littleness allows you to rest in His cradle. His love frees you and comforts you. You are no longer alone. You belong to God.
The more you embrace the love of My Son, the more you will diligently work to remain in the state of grace. You will desire to receive the sacraments, especially the sacrament of reconciliation. Jesus will become your all. He will penetrate every microscopic cell of your body. He will inebriate you with His love and you will inherit His peace of heart. You will gain wisdom and discernment, fortitude, confidence and fidelity to your Savior. Through His love you will see how pure He is and desire to be like Him. You can gain so much simply because of His love for you as your Savior.
Any act on your part to achieve grace is an act of vanity unless you remain humble and meek of heart. He alone has saved you because of His infinite love. He gives His gifts freely and can raise you to heights more honorable than what you can imagine.
My little babe, your Savior, has rescued you because of love. Do your part little children, to remain pure and little of heart. Bow in graciousness, humility and thanksgiving to Jesus your wondrous Savior.
I bless you in His holy name. I take your petitions to the Father and I invite you to rejoice with me in God.
Thank you for responding to My call.
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