I am your
The Experience
The Fruits
- Background Information
- The History: The Experience Unfolds
- The Lessons from Jesus
(All quotations from Jesus will appear in Italic (Volume #, page #).
- The Messages from Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary
(All quotations from Our Lady will appear in "quotes" with the date.)
- The Fruits
- Mission of Mercy
- The Armata Bianca
- The Jesus of Mercy Community of the Laity
- The Healings
- Further Information and Resources
- Documentary Film: UNBRIDLED MERCY, The Return of Jesus as a Child
The Center of My Immaculate Heart
- Volumes I-VI I am your Jesus of Mercy
- Related books: Fatima, Divine Mercy, Padre Pio, St. Therese
- Resources on discernment of private revelation
- Essay
- Internet and E-mail addresses for accessing recent and past
messages from Our Lady through Gianna Talone-Sullivan
- Pertinent addresses and phone numbers
***Gianna Talone-Sullivan sees her role as a "messenger" and not as one who is to interpret
the full meaning of the "words from heaven" for anyone who sees and hears them. The
interpretation of these must be done by each individual in the context of the revealed truths
found in Scripture and Tradition and in the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church.
Information Director:
Tom Fitzsimmons
PO Box 257
Fairfield, PA 17320
Phone/Fax: (717) 642-3749
Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, A.A.S. 58,1186
(Approved by Pope Paul VI on October 14, 1966)
With the abolition of previous Canon 1399 & 2318 of the former Canonical Code, publica-
tions about new appearances, revelations, prophecies, miracles, etc., have been allowed
to be distributed and read by the faithful without the express permission of the Church,
providing they contain nothing which contravenes faith and morals. This means that no
Imprimatur is necessary when distributing information on new apparitions not yet judged
by the Church.
Submission to Church Authority
Gianna Talone-Sullivan, her immediate family, and all those intimately involved with the recording, publication and distribution of material concerning the alleged mystical events
in both Scottsdale, AZ, and Emmitsburg, MD, including this FACT SHEET, wish to manifest
unconditional submission to the final and official judgement of the Magisterium of the Church
regarding any events presently or subsequently under investigation.
- Public Revelation: God's revelation of His Divine Word for humanity's salvation, ending with the death of the last apostle John, approximately in the 90's AD. This Divine Word
is transmitted through Scripture and Tradition as safeguarded by the Magesterium
of the Church and it comprises the deposit of faith entrusted to the Church.
- Private Revelation: A revelation given by God to an individual for the spiritual benefit of
the person, a specific group or the entire Church. It has as its God-intended purpose
not the revelation of new doctrine, but rather to encourage and lead the faithful to live
the revealed truths of public revelation.
Pope John XXIII refers to the purpose of authentic private revelation in his 1959 address at the close of the Marian Year (Feb. 18, '59)
"The Roman Pontiffs
.also have the duty, when after mature examination, they deem necessary for the common good of bringing to the attention of the faithful those supernatural lights which it pleases God to dispense freely to certain privileged souls, not for the purpose of presenting new doctrines, but rather to guide us in our conduct."
In speaking of Our Lady Pope John XXIII also said:
"We exhort you to listen with simplicity of heart and honesty of mind to the salutary warnings of the Mother of God
It would seem that the Marian revelations, more numerous than ever before over the last two centuries, contain the spirit and truths of the Gospel message and seek to encourage the faithful to live the more challenging parts of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, such as prayer, fasting, conversion, penance and unconditional love.
In Lumen Gentium, Vatican II, Section 12, the Council Fathers urged the faithful to be open and attentive to the ways in which the Holy Spirit continues to guide the Church, including private revelations. We hear:
"Whether these charisms be very remarkable or more simple and widely diffused, they are to be received
with thanksgiving and consolation since they are fitting and useful for the needs of the Church. Extra-
ordinary gifts are not to be rashly desired, nor is it from them that the fruits of apostolic labor are to be pre-sumptuously expected. Those who have charge over the Church should judge the genuineness and proper
use of these gifts through their office, not indeed to extinguish the Spirit, but to test all things and hold fast to what is good." (cf. Thessalonians 5:12 & 19-21).
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states:
"Throughout the ages, there have been so-called 'private revelations,' some of which have
been recognized by the authority of the Church. They do not belong, however, to the deposit
of the faith. It is not their role to improve or complete Christ's definitive Revelation, but to
help (the faithful) live more fully by it in a certain period of history. Guided by the Magisterium of the Church, the sensus fidelium knows how to discern and welcome in these revelations what-
ever constitutes an authentic call of Christ or His saints of the Church."
- DEFINITIONS (as understood and experienced by Gianna Talone-Sullivan)
Apparitions: The physical appearance in 3-dimensional bodily form, visible to the eye of
the seer, of a person such as Jesus, Our Lady, the angels and the saints, or even an evil
Visions: Visual manifestations often with eyes closed much like one would see looking at
2-dimensional movie screen, occurring without any operation of the organic mechanism for
Interior Imaginary Locutions:
Communications from a spirit of words or messages that are heard internally not audibly,
occurring quite vividly within the inward imaging faculties of the individual and even
possibly contradicting the expectations of the recipient. God can work directly within
these faculties. These may occur alone or accompany an actual apparition or vision.
Interior Intellectual Locutions: An instantaneous infusion of Divine grace whereby an
immediate understanding and knowledge is acquired by the recipient without the need
of the usual processing of the thoughts or human interpretation. These occur in the deepest
center of the recipient with no sound, no voice, and far surpass anything of ordinary human
study and experience.
Jesus states: Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's
clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you
will know them
..Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be
cut down and thrown into the fire.
Luke 6: 43-44----Jesus continues: A good tree does not bear rotten fruit, nor does a
rotten tree bear good fruit. For every tree is known for its fruit. For
people do not pick figs from thornbushes, nor do they gather grapes
The Mystical Experience Unfolds
Gianna Talone-Sullivan was born, the youngest of three children, on March 12, 1957 in Phoenix, Arizona, to parents of Italian descent. Her early childhood life was filled with both love and rejection, material comfort as well as subsequent material need, and an early childhood show business career. She later attended Arizona State University and the University of Southern California completing her Doctor of Pharmacy degree, then opting to pursue a corporate pharmacy career. By 1987 she was very much caught up in the attractions and attachments of the "world", when much to her surprise she was invited to begin a new journey, a journey fulfilling God's Will.
-Sept. '87: The Blessed Virgin Mary silently appears to Gianna at home in bed three nights in a
row. This first visit fostered from then on a growing thirst for prayer, the
daily Rosary and the Eucharist.
-Nov. '87: The Angel Gabriel speaks to her in St. Maria Goretti Church during a visit to the
Blessed Sacrament on a lunch break from work:
"The Lord seeks favor upon you for you have cried for the Lord. He will do
great things through you."
-Dec. 3, '87: Our Lady's Prayer Group begins at St. Maria Goretti Parish in Scottsdale, AZ. Gianna was not yet a member of the Prayer Group.
-June '88: Gianna's first trip to Medjugorje, Yugoslavia. Our Lady first begins speaking to her
through interior locutions, but not apparitions.
-July 14, '88: Our Lady gives first public MESSAGE through Gianna to the Prayer Group in Scottsdale. (See separate section, MESSAGES.)
-Aug. 13, '88: Jesus speaks to Gianna for the first time: My child, know that you are never alone. I am in you and you are in Me. We are one in each other. My Spirit lives in you and gives you strength, wisdom and love. All things you do give
honor and praise to My Father because I am in you and you dwell in My House.
-Sept. 20, '88: Jesus begins his LESSONS for the world. (See separate section, LESSONS.)
-Dec. 31, '88: Jesus first appears to Gianna as the Sacred Heart and with outstretched arms
says, I am your Jesus of Mercy.
-July 25, '89: Our Lady first defines the Scottsdale area as Jesus' Center of Divine Mercy.
-Oct. '89: The investigative commission of the Diocese of Phoenix, headed by Fr. Ernest
Larkin reported: "We don't think that these are hoaxes or that there is any
attempt to deceive anybody. We simply maintain that there is not enough
evidence to say that these are miracles."
-Dec. 19, '89: Our Lady first appears and speaks privately to Gianna in her prayer room at home in Phoenix, AZ.
-Dec. 19, '89 through the present time:
Since then Our Lady has appeared and spoken to Gianna nearly every night, except Fridays, during her private prayer, and nearly every weekly public Prayer Group when Gianna has been in attendance both in Scottsdale until June '93 and since then at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Emmitsburg, MD where she now resides. Our Lady continues with a weekly message for the world.
-Jan. 8, '90: Bishop Thomas O'Brien of Phoenix, AZ, accepts the conclusions of the commission as he writes: "The commission concluded that the messages (locutions) are explainable within the range of ordinary human experience and obviously we cannot know for certain whether or not the locutions or visions are miraculous in the true sense of the word
.a mode of action beyond the ordinary laws of nature and caused by an exceptional, direct Divine intervention." Bishop O'Brien did choose to allow the Prayer Group to continue.
-July 10, '92: In His LESSON given to Gianna in Assisi, Italy, Our Lord outlines His desires
for the Jesus of Mercy Community of the Laity. (See the FRUITS section.)
-Sept. '92: Mission of Mercy, an organization requested of Gianna by Our Lord in order to restore dignity to the poor and needy, becomes a legal corporation in Arizona, but does not yet become operational. (See section FRUITS, Mission of Mercy)
-Nov. '92: Dr. Michael Sullivan meets Gianna during his pilgrimage to Scottsdale.
-Jan. '93: Gianna and Michael announce their engagement and visit Emmitsburg, MD.
-Jan. 31, '93: Feast of St. Dom Bosco. Our Lady appears to Gianna with Michael at the
Lourdes Grotto in Emmitsburg and invites them to leave their careers and to relocate there to carry on Our Lord's work after their marriage.
-June 19, '93: Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Gianna and Michael are married at
St. Maria Goretti Parish in Scottsdale, AZ.
-Nov. 1, '93: The Sullivans move to Fairfield, PA, just outside of Emmitsburg.
-Nov. 3, '93: Our Lady appears with the public message to Gianna at St. Joseph's Parish Rectory
in Emmitsburg during the small weekly Marian Cenacle. By December the prayer cenacle moved to the parish church to accommodate the growing crowds.
-Dec. 19, '93: Our Lady stated that the Scottsdale area will later be noted as a very important apparition site, not because of her previous apparitions there but because of
Our Lord's Mercy and His special Presence there.
-June, '94: The family section of Jesus of Mercy Community of the Laity begins in Maryland.
-Aug. 17, '94: Mission of Mercy launches in Maryland at 4 initial sites.
-Mar. 9, '95: Our Lady first defines the Emmitsburg area as the Center of her Immaculate Heart where all children will seek refuge.
-Aug. 30, '95: Msgr. Jeremiah Kenney, Vice Chancellor of the Diocese of Baltimore, in response
to a request for Cardinal William Keeler's position on the alleged mystical
events in Emmitsburg: "Be advised that her (Gianna's) situation has been
already investigated by the Archdiocese of Phoenix, where she lived before
moving here, and nothing contrary to faith was found. Therefore, the position
of the Archdiocese of Baltimore is neutral on the matter at this time."
-Oct. '95: Mission of Mercy expands to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
-Jan. 12, '96: Anne Marie is born to Gianna and Michael Sullivan.
-May, '96: Fr. Andrea D'Ascanio, a Capuchin friar and spiritual son of Padre Pio, first
visits Emmitsburg and invites Gianna to be his USA representative for
the Armata Bianca, a worldwide movement of children which he had
founded in 1973, a spiritual movement of children consecrated to God
the Father through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (See the FRUITS section.)
-Oct. 31, '96: Our Lady defines the relationship between Scottsdale and Emmitsburg:
"His (Our Lord's) Center of Divine Mercy and this, the Center of my Immaculate Heart will join the East and the West in union with the Covenant
of the Two Hearts. It is the horizontal beam of the Cross which my Son carried
on His shoulders before being crucified and which He united vertically to the
-Dec. 22, '96: Our Lady first reveals to Gianna the return of the Child Jesus: "For it is my Son
the Child Jesus, who will come again through the heavens; and the world will
see that it is the Savior, the Child. For the Child will save the world!"
-Oct. '97: Mission of Mercy expands to Phoenix, Arizona at 3 initial sites.
-Sept. 30, '99: Our Lady confirms the second coming of the Child Jesus and differentiates it
from the final coming of the glorified Savior as Just Judge:
"It is my Son, as the Child Jesus, who will usher in this new era of peace, to
give you hope and invite all the world to be enthroned in His virtues. It is
not the end of the world as you know it but hope for a new beginning. (It is)
at the end of the world my Son
.will come as your Just Judge. Therefore, do
do not be afraid. Await now His arrival with great anticipation and joy."
-Oct. 21, '99: Our Lady defines in part the role of her apparition site in Emmitsburg:
"You are about to enter an era of cleansing which will lead to peace, true peace
in my Son
.This is the place, the Center of my Immaculate Heart, where my
Son's Divine Mercy will be unveiled."
-Apr., 2000: The book OUR LADY OF EMMITSBURG, The Center of My Immaculate Heart by Dom Forker is released.
-May, 2000: Mercy Foundation releases full-length documentary film, UNBRIDLED MERCY,
The Return of Jesus as a Child.
The LESSONS from Our Lord Jesus Christ have allegedly been received from September 20, 1988 through November 12, 1995 by the messenger Gianna Talone-Sullivan, a 43 year old wife, mother and clinical pharmacist now living just outside of Emmitsburg, MD. The over 250 LESSONS are for all the world and were received by interior locution during private prayer, not as part of the weekly public prayer group meetings. They are dictated by Our Lord and written down by Gianna as received. They are recorded in Volumes I thru V of the 6 volumes of I am your Jesus of Mercy. The following are brief excerpts from the many dissertations in which Our Lord further teaches and encourages His people and explains the truths of His Gospel message.
I am your Jesus of Mercy. My people, It is I and this is the Age of My Divine Mercy. (I,p.104)
My lessons are for all the people in the world
All are invited to live in the truth of God.(V, p.45)
My message of love and mercy may seem to be too simple of a task and without full flavor for many people. (V, p.40)
I have not humbled Myself to teach you words of truth given to Me from My Father so that you can leisurely read them as a pastime. I am here for you, My people, to save you! (I, p.77)
I am giving these lessons for all My people, not as a meditation piece, but because I desire action,
and for all My beloved ones to begin to live My words. (IV, p.105)
I would like to continue to give My lessons to My people, but I have given My Word through the Scriptures. No new words will make any difference if My Word through Scripture is not practiced
.Those who desire My Word have it already. For those who do not desire to know My Word, then no other words from Me will change their hearts. (V, p.46)
Prayer elevates the mind, heart and soul into the abyss of truth: truth of self knowledge, truth in humility, truth in obedience, and truth in knowledge of your Savior. (V, p.11)
Prayer is the vessel through which love is purified and perfected. It is the tool of intimacy. (V, p.12)
Pray, My dear people! You have no idea of the power of prayer and the need for it in your modern world. (III, p 28)
Tell My people to pray with the innocence and purity of children. Tell them of their power. A childlike prayer penetrates to the core of My Father's throne. (II,, p. 25)
Pray for detachment from your worldly desires and pray that My desires will always be yours. (III, p. 23)
Pray at home, not only in designated areas. Your homes are tabernacles of My love because your bodies are the living temples. I dwell in you. (IV, p.106)
If all My people would pray daily, even for a small amount of time, there would be peace and unity. (V, p.46)
I am here to tell you, My people, that so much good and beauty can be restored through prayer. I am here to tell you, My people, that wars can be prevented through prayer. Freedom and peace can be through prayer. (I, p.71)
Mercy is the Divine power of My love which flows out on whomever seeks it. (I, p.12)
If you want to have mercy on someone, you need to love that person and be compassionate. If you want mercy in return, you need to allow yourself to be loved. Mercy is the missing link in loving because you cannot love without being able to have mercy. (IV, p.110)
MERCY (cont.)
Do not choose whom you would prefer to love, to serve; but without prejudice, serve and love all because, whether they acknowledge My love or not, I exist in and amongst them. (IV, p.52)
My mercy soothes the pain when My truth lances the flesh of its many vices. (V, p.17)
There is nothing that God will not forgive in His merciful love when a repentant heart asks for His mercy and forgives himself. (V, p.28)
Only those who willingly condemn My love through their last breath condemn their own soul. (IV, p.52)
The cross is My way, My path. Because I have led the way on the path with My cross, your passage is only lightly burdened, restoring your goodness and cleansing you for eternal life. (I, p.67)
All must pick up their cross. If they throw it away, only a heavier cross shall befall them
.If you carry My cross with the joy of My peace, even though you suffer, your suffering will be redemptive.(III, p.14-15)
Do not weigh your cross against another person's. Keep your head under the yoke
.Your eyes need to be focused on your own duties of love for the day. (V, p.37)
Whoever is not ready to suffer all things and stand resigned to the will of his Lover (God), is not worthy of being called a lover, and therefore cannot know mercy. (IV, p. 110)
I am your Lord God, and I hear all forms of prayer. It is not your form of worship, but your heart that I want. Whether you are Jew or Gentile, you are because of Me, Who Am
.It is true that I, through My Body in the Eucharist, am in the purest form of consecration to you. But that is a choice My children have.
(I, p.16)
You either have faith or you do not. You cannot have faith one day and not the next. You cannot have mercy on one another one day and not the next. There is no middle of the rope. There are only two ends. (I, p. 28)
The most difficult thing for My people to do is to give Me their control. They are afraid they will lose their power
.By trying to hold on to power, they will lose it, because they are grasping the wrong source of power. (I, p.39)
If you love Me with all your heart and allow Me to love you, there would be no doubt in your minds to forgive and reconcile with your brothers. (I, p.82)
The word "truth" itself is Me, for I am Truth! (I, p.97)
My peace is your freedom. My peace allows you to live in this world until you see Me face to face. (I, p.103)
The soul lives and prepares on earth only to continue living in My Kingdom of peace and serenity
.Each one belongs to the Shepherd who has come to gather His wounded sheep. (II, p.26)
Ordinariness is loving, laughing, living pure lives, crying, working and growing
.I do not wish for My people to stop functioning in their daily activities because they have been found by Me. I wish for all to carry on lovingly, accepting My many gifts. (II, p.44)
If you love, you will treat others with dignity, and they will feel loved, wanted, and of value to mankind. Reach out to one another with love and stop being around only the ones with whom you feel comfortable. (II, p. 50)
If you try and fail, you have not failed in My eyes, but have won favor in the sight of My Father. (II, p.53)
Joy results from total trust in Me, not in positive events happening in day to day life
I am your source of joy. (III, p.4)
Your gifts are of no value to Me if you do not give Me your total being. I desire all of you
(III, p 9)
The youth today suffer because of the lack of love and support.
They will go out of their way, beyond reasonable measures, simply to feel included and of worth and loved
. My young ones are not at fault, for they know not what to do. (III, p.13)
It is not in the perfections of the soul I love, but in the imperfections. This is where you become holy.
There is no need to justify yourself. Remain silent, prudent, and always discern in prayer when they turn against you. Silence speaks. Unless your silence would lend to an occasion of scandal to the weak, remain quiet and watchful, yet always loving. (IV, p. 21)
If I am at your center, then there is no need to hear words of people's praise only to fill a momentary pleasure. (IV, p.37)
Freedom only exists in total dependence on Me. There lies your power. (IV, p. 42)
You will find much joy and peace when you devote extraordinary love in the ordinary tasks
.on a daily basis. (IV, p.55)
I need you because I came for you. I was broken for you
.See My teachings not as a reprimand but as encouragement to face your vices and to surrender even more unto Me that I may cleanse you and make
you pure
.I will replace them with spiritual virtues of heaven. (IV, p.65)
How My Father desires to be the tender Father of all My people
.Many are lacking the knowledge of His tender love and kindness and have ignored His calling of peace. (V, p.3)
My Father gave Love to you. If He draws you to Love and you keep it to yourself, it will die. The seed of Love must be nurtured and watered through action. (V, p.6)
My Father desires to have an intimate relationship with all people, but in order to love the Father it is necessary to love Me. In order to love Me it is necessary to love life, to love all people, and to walk the path of My Word. (V, p.27)
Why do I seek those who are little children in simpleness and yet of little influence? Because they listen and are totally dependent on Me. (V, p.23)
Confidence fills you when you allow yourself to belong to Me, to trust in Me like a little child trusts a parent. (V ,p.30)
When I begin to change situations of great need in peoples' lives, it seems at first the situations become
more hopeless. That is because the circumstance initially commenced and was controlled at the human level. I, in turn, must weed out the bitter fruit so that all will blossom with the sweetness of honey. (V, p.34)
The time will come when I
.shall come to examine the consciences of mankind, to bring to light the hidden darkness, and to silence all arguments. (III, p. 11)
I tell you this because the day is coming when the Son of Man will give you a warning of the bitterness of chastisement, where each man and woman across the world will see the judgment of themselves.
The time will come when all will experience the state of their soul. All will have to look within. It cannot be escaped. (IV, p. 33)
In time every man, woman and child shall know the truth of My love. They will see the truth of the world as it is and what they have missed from postponing prayer and service through love. By seeking self-gain in the world they will see what they have depleted from their soul through the loss of the treasures in heaven.
Our Lord's LESSONS-p.4
People do not listen. They did not listen back in My age and they still do not listen now. (I, p. 12)
I want My people to turn back to Me
.It will not be much longer
Time is short. (I, p.20)
There is no need to fear! There is a need to change! (I, p.42)
There is such little time
.Tell them to use their time wisely by beginning to change now, for when the events come to pass which I have revealed to you, they will come quickly
.I shall send My designated angels to unveil the secrets.
Do not say you were not given the opportunity to choose. It is your free will. However, you are destroying your own freedom. (I, p.48)
Know My Kingdom will come. Whether it comes through peaceful means or as a result of destruction through hatred depends on you. (II, p.31)
You cannot be called a child of God and gain the Kingdom unless your deeds are as pure as My Word.
It is dangerous to blame others
.First, you must look to yourself and see your own lack of love. (V, p.41)
Return to God. Change the current path towards human destruction to one of love, peace, unity and life.
Those who wrongfully judge will be judged, not by God's standards, but by their own
.This means the standards of judgment you hold bound on others will be the same standards held on you because you are not allowing My Father to rule with His peace. (III, p.22)
If they will not heed My Word and allow My mercy to change their strong hearts to repentant hearts, their own judgment standards will toss them into the abyss of eternal flames which will consume their souls in everlasting agony and misery. (V, p.13)
Do not live for momentary pleasure
.Practice what I teach and you will begin to live in the holiness of My Oneness. (I, p.72)
Tell My people not to be deceived to think they have been defeated. The power of God reigns now and shall be for eternity. (II, p. 18)
I see all and I am with My people always
.They may not allow Me to love them or help them, but I am still loving them and am always there. (IV, p. 25)
Enjoy the fruits of the world, the beauty My Father created
.His works are good. (IV, p. 73)
I love all My people. I invite all to be "little". When you are "little", the Father is able to embrace your soul ever so tightly and He will protect you. (V, p.3)
Evil's reign of power is close to an end, and there shall be no more tears of sorrow but tears of joy and gladness. (V,p.42)
Make the choice and commence the walk. My door is open
.Healing is but a step away.(V,p.89)
Come, all you who are weary. Come to your Jesus of Mercy. I await you! (III, p.34)
***Gianna Talone-Sullivan sees her role as a "messenger" and not as one who is to interpret the full meaning of the "words from heaven" for anyone who sees and hears them. The interpretation of these must be done by each individual in the context of revealed truths found in Scripture and Tradition and in the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church.
The weekly public MESSAGES for the world from Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary have been recorded in the 6 volumes of I am your Jesus of Mercy since July, 1988. The more recent messages since January 21, 1999, to the present time are available from several sources but have not yet been compiled in a 7th volume. The primary messenger during this time has been Gianna Talone-Sullivan, receiving these messages during apparitions occurring at the public prayer group first in Scottsdale, AZ, and since November, 1993, at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Emmitsburg, MD. Brief excerpts of some of the several hundred MESSAGES from Our Lady are included in the following pages. Even Our Lord in His LESSONS has defined His Mother's significant role at this critical time in salvation history:
Devotion to My Mother is having devotion to Me. I listen to her and grant her heart's desire.
Her prayer is pure. Her desire is for all to seek the Kingdom of God. Her desire is service to
Me and My Father. We do not deny her. Pray to her. It is through My Mother that you are
brought to Me. She purifies you and offers you to Me. (I, p.84)
If you truly grow and follow My ways, you will follow the example of My Mother
.She never
spoke to anyone in a manner which was authoritative
.She always showed her love by listening,
assisting and praying for them.. (II, p.57)
"I am here with you because of the short time left for salvation." (Mar. 4, 1990)
"Jesus sent me because if people continued on a path without prayer and love, the world would surely end in
destruction." (July 16, 1998)
"All of the messages granted you from heaven are for one purpose, to bring you back to My Son. I have always pointed the way to My Son and have invited you to return to Him." (June 19, 1997)
"Because My Son loves you so unconditionally, He has humbled Himself to allow me to come to you in a very present way, to help you and ask your unconditional love." (Nov. 24, 1993)
"I love you and desire you all to know the truth about life and the current way of the world
A mother has the respon- sibility to teach her children about authentic love, true freedom, honest practices and just human values." (Aug. 19, '99)
"A mother does not allow her children to suffer alone, for a mother who loves shares in that sorrow of her children. I share your sorrow and I take your suffering to God." (Sept. 15, 1994)
"Little children, have unfailing confidence in me, your Mother
.I am the refuge of all sinners. God has never said 'no'
to my prayer." (Nov. 3, 1994)
"I am a Mother of Love and my only desire for you is to love as my Son. I am not your Savior. Jesus, my Son who suffered and died for you that you may have life, is your Savior." (Feb. 17, 2000)
"God does exist and He is a merciful, loving and comforting God. Know He suffered to serve you and to grant you everlasting salvation." (Feb. 28, 1991)
"God does exist and He can give and take the breath of life as you know it to be." (April 10, 1997)
"The reluctance to surrender is an element of control due to lack of faith and trust in God. There are many now who even question whether God exists
.Through lack of prayer and merciless actions mankind is asking God to abandon it to itself." (Aug. 31, 1995)
"If I was allowed by God to give you a sign it would soon be forgotten and noted as a magical event
.I tell you that God does exist and My Son Jesus is your Savior, the Son of God, the second Person of the Holy Trinity." (April 25, 1996)
"The only true proof of His existence is His own disclosure of Himself and His Will within your own heart." (Nov.11, '99)
"Know, my little ones, that only God can make you holy. You can receive God's seal on your soul only by abandoning your will to Him." (Aug. 27, 1992)
Our Lady's MESSAGES-p.2
"If you allow Jesus to be the center of your lives and accept what He brings, He will bless you and all your work, and you will prosper." (July 30, 1988)
"Love Him first, above yourself and yourself for Him. Then you can love others and your actions will be fruitful in His love." (Dec. 22, 1993)
"All the accomplishments you achieve in your earthly life without Him will only be short lived because you can do nothing without Him." (July, 21, 1994)
"The closer you draw to Him, the more you are able to look at Him with the eyes of love. The farther you choose to distance yourself from Him, the greater the growth of darkness." (Feb. 27, 1997)
"There are many of my loved ones who are being deceived and walking unknowingly the wrong path. If you do not keep your eyes and hearts on Jesus, this can happen to you." (Sept. 18, 1997)
"There are some things that only Jesus can do to save a soul, and you must decrease so that He can increase."
"Please open your hearts to my Son and pray with all your might to Him for the salvation of the world." (July 6, 1989)
"Surrender all you have with your heart to His Will in prayer. Prayer is the key to fulfilling His Will." (July 19, 1990)
"Faith in God is the only means to salvation and prayer is the way to purity and holiness." (January 14, 1993)
"The commitment to prayer I have invited you to is lifelong
.It is a daily commitment of time to be with my Son, desiring change and challenge." (Apr. 14, 1994)
"Seek to live in humility instead of seeking other forces and inner energies which will deceive you to think you have power to be 'god-like'. True power comes in prayer and loving to serve God in littleness." (Sept. 25, 1995)
"Pray together in your family. The family unit is disintegrating
.Pray for the family unit." (May 23, 1996)
"So many people have an agenda for God and almost demand certain requests from Him. This is not the way God responds to His people." (Jan. 28, 1999)
"Many people desire only to receive
.If they do not receive what they desire when they pray, they become frustrated, angry, feel forgotten and have self-pity. God too desires to receive, but continues to give. Unconditional love requires giving and receiving." (June 5, 1997)
"The more you repeat the Name of 'Jesus' alone, the more you will be able to have a dialogue with Him until you become aware of His beautiful silent presence within your heart." (Nov. 4. 1999)
"I invite you to ask my Spouse, the Holy Spirit, to dwell in you and guide you." (Aug. 10, 1989)
"You have the power of the Holy Spirit to enlighten and sanctify you, and you have the love of the Father, who regulates and orchestrates everything through Jesus so that you might live in union with the Holy Trinity." (Nov. 6, 1997)
"Pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit
.The Holy Spirit will enlighten you and help you in your quest for the Truth. It is the Spirit who raises you to the heights to become like Jesus in every way." (May 20, 1999)
"Love all of different faiths. Never deny anyone your love, for all belong to the Father." (Dec. 28, 1989)
"I have come for all my children, not a select few." (Feb. 1, 1990)
"You must remember that you are all novices. No matter what spiritual level you feel you have achieved, it is the beginning of an eternal walk of intimacy with God." (Oct. 6, 1994)
"There is no favoritism in God's love and you are not superior to another person because of rank, title, position or wealth. Look through the eyes of Jesus and see as He sees instead of seeing what you want to see." (April 24, 1997)
"There is a plan for each one of you. You are very valuable in the eyes of God. Jesus does not want one of His children to stray from Him." (July 1, 1999)
Our Lady's MESSAGES-p.3
"God makes the truth of your sinfulness known because He loves you and desires you to come to Him. But you must have mercy on yourself and forgive yourself so God can forgive you and make you whole in His love." (April 20, 1995)
"Remember that you are imperfect
.Be gentle on yourself. God will
.help you to be merciful." (Mar. 28, 1996)
"God forgives and forgets. To be merciful you must not only forgive, but forget
.How you judge others indicates how you will judge yourself when you go before the throne of God. If you do not forgive and forget the offenses of others, you will not be able to forgive or forget your own offences." (Feb. 5, 1998)
"The more you trust, the more you shall be comforted. God will care for you ." (Oct. 26, 1989)
"Do not only believe when times are good. Trust in Him always and live in His faith." (July 26, 1990)
"If God for one moment withdrew His love and power from anything, it would cease to exist and vanish into the nothingness from which God created it. Trust in God
.Place you confidence in Him alone." (May 18, 1995)
"When you place your confidence in Jesus, you do not have to be afraid about your future. Jesus knows who you are. He has formed you and knows each of you by name." (Jan. 21, 1999)
"Please do not try to understand the ways of God but trust in His love with childlike confidence." (April 29, 1999)
"Do not be afraid to risk your honor and never cease working in the field of love and service for God." (Dec. 8, 1994)
"It is wise to have a holy fear of God but unwise to avoid Him because you are afraid of Him or what He might ask of you." (June 10, 1999)
"Do not be motivated by fear. Perfect love casts out fear." (Sept. 30, 1999)
"The most important thing for you to know is that God loves you
.You are His children so do not fear life and do not fear death. Children of God, trust in His care and find joy in Him." (Jan. 27, 2000)
"You cannot have a pure heart unless you recognize your sins and confess them with a contrite heart." (Dec. 29,1994)
"You need time to change and there are few who are utilizing this time of mercy by responding to God's call."
"Humans are weak and sinful but
.it does not mean that sinners cannot change
.Jesus did not die in vain." (Oct.19,'95)
"There is no one who does not have some weakness which needs to be purged
,passions which can be purified by an interior mortification, which through humility, will unite you to Jesus." (Oct. 30, 1997)
"This is a time when you should be allowing God to prune the thorns surrounding your soul
, a time to see yourself as you are and a time to see God as He is
,a time to listen, and a time to receive the breath of Jesus." (March 5, 1998)
"Why does God always have to perform a sign to change your hearts? Can you not be the miraculous sign to the world by putting aside your ways of yourself and being all of Jesus Himself in His love?" (July 29, 1999)
"If you are sorely afflicted, accept your suffering for the love of Him. No servant is greater than his master. All who are close to heaven suffer as my Son. God purifies and chastises those He loves." (March 2, 1995)
"When my Son gives you His virtues, do not be surprised when
.you suffer the persecution and scoffing of the world. You are suffering as my Son suffered and it is evidence of a true virtue from God." (March 25, 1995)
"Accept the cup He offers you no matter how bitter. The time will come when you will be able to see the outcome of your trials, and you will desire what He wishes for you." (June 13, 1996)
"The seed must fall to the ground and die if it is to bear fruit. My Son has done this for you." (Feb. 26, 1998)
"You cannot carry tomorrow's cross with the grace you have received today. God wants you to understand that you are not able to carry your cross by yourself
.It is by the grace of God." (March 12, 1998)
"I am your Mother of Mercy
.I will be at the foot of your cross as I was at the foot of my Son's cross to lead you home." (Sept. 17, 1998)
"Have you ever wondered why Jesus had to suffer to be the Savior of the world? It was the way to confound the proud and triumph over evil
.Humility is a trait that evil cannot portray in any way." (Feb. 25, 1999)
"Do not look to your suffering and sorrow as the end, but see through the eyes of faith its redemptive value and hope for you. Jesus is by your side when you suffer. This is the reason in God's eyes for suffering or the act on Calvary would have been an act of vanity. Jesus died for you." (Dec. 30, 1999)
"If you feel nothing, are alone or feel abandoned, know that it is in your nothingness that you are everything in my Son. It is in your ordinariness that you are extraordinary." (Feb. 4, 1993)
"There is much greed today because there are many people trying to outdo others. God is looking for the simple. In simpleness you become extraordinary in the eyes of God." (Nov. 2, 1995)
"It is the children who can save the world through their littleness, innocence, simplicity and childlike ways."
"I desire the entire world to receive the childlike virtues of my Son: humility, obedience, gentleness, innocence and purity." (Dec. 26, 1996)
"The Kingdom of Heaven is for those who are spiritually childlike, those who attribute nothing to their own merit, whether it be works or personal strength." (Oct. 23, 1997)
"The only way you can develop an intimate relationship with God Almighty is by becoming 'little'. You must decrease in all ways and He must increase in all ways. You must accept the enlightenment of your weaknesses and embrace them, for it is your weaknesses that you are made powerful in the eyes of God." (July 15, 1999)
"Do you understand the meaning of meekness, littleness and simplicity? Seek the answers in these and replace them to their lawful thrown
.It is the only way to gain power and rise to the top." (July 22, 1999)
"If you have been blessed with resources of wealth, intellect, management skills and graces to help the needy, then unite together and give to His less fortunate. They suffer as representation of the humiliated Jesus." (Mar. 17, 1994)
"Realize that earthly possessions can be deceitful and harmful to you if they are not used to acquire heavenly treasures."
"Do not focus on your prestige, material goods, success or self-image, for they will have no value when you go before the throne of God
.It is the state of your soul that is of an urgent matter and needs to be nurtured." (Feb. 1, 1996)
"Do not give your attention to what seems unnecessary. Examine now how many things in your life can be eliminated without neglecting your responsibilities and daily duties." (Feb. 8, 1996)
"You will never be free from temptations in this life
.Correct what you can with a loving action and bear patiently the things which cannot be remedied." (Nov. 16, 1995)
"God is never outdone in generosity
.But He asks those who desire to love
.to be generous in all circumstances."
"You cannot have a casual attitude in your spiritual development, but instead prepare as an athlete prepares for an event or you will not have the stamina and endurance." (Nov. 14, 1996)
"Peace does not come from a political movement for unity
.Peace cannot exist through force
.Peace does exist in His
truth." (Jan. 2, 1997)
"So many people today complete charitable works in hopes of pleasing others. When they are not recognized with appreciation, their spirits become sorrowful. But if they would realize that Jesus is very present to them and is taking note of their acts of charity and kindness, they would be elated with joy." (Aug. 7, 1997)
"Do not initiate scandal by speaking ill of someone because they do not share your same views or opinions. Keep close watch over your words and cross-examine your motives.
Remove any element which seeks to destroy." (Nov. 20, '97)
"Do not fight evil with evil. Reciprocate with love. Bow only to God and strive to be like Jesus." (Jan. 15, 1998)
"Your soul belongs to God and there is nothing that can separate you from Him unless you choose to do so of your own free will." (Oct. 1. 1998)
"Doing great works does not make you holy
.Doing great works consists of doing those works that the Father wills for you to perform." (Feb. 4, 1999)
"My Son can change any paralyzing circumstance which has caused devastation and wounds into something good if you allow Him the opportunity. Nothing is impossible with God." (Oct. 21, 1999)
"Be faithful to the grace of your vocation and look to the blessings of His grace rather than the possessions of the world,
and He will protect you from careless practices which prevent virtues from reaching their full maturation." (Jan. 13, '00)
"Please pray and live in purity of God according to the doctrine of the Church governed by my beloved Pope." (Jn.6,'91)
"I encourage you to spend heart filled hours of prayer before my Son in the Most Blessed Sacrament." (Dec. 29, 1994)
"It is a great sorrow for my Son and a pain in His Heart when people believe they can have union with God without prayer and they do not believe in His True Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament or in eternal life after death."
"Distortions of God's Word and new formations of religion will arise from lack of prayer and obedience." (May 30, '96)
"The Church does not need priests and religious who do not pray. Prayer and reflection are essential to fighting the persecutions of the Church." (July 3, 1997)
"Seek to obtain the knowledge of my Son through prayer and Scripture." (Jan. 2, 1997)
"Clouds of evil are thickening and closing in around the Church
.There are many financial and liberal groups and even clergy who would like to see my beloved Pope resign his authority in hopes to gain a false freedom, unity and a modernized world." (Aug. 28, 1997)
"It is not correct and is very dangerous to think or say you have the right to follow your conscience in all matters. Look to the correct expression of truth that you should practice by your conscience which has been outlined for you by my beloved Pope. He speaks the Truth of my Son and is your teacher for my Son." (Oct. 14, 1999)
"The time is coming when every man and woman on this earth will know that God exists. All will have a glimpse of the state of their soul. Those seconds will seem like eternity. Your love of gold and silver is about to become glittering dust and be swept away." (Aug. 27, 1992)
"Do not wait until God's warning strikes the souls of every person in this world, for it will be very difficult to respond and change
.There will not be much time after God's warning for the fire of purification to befall you. Some events are inevitable." (May 9, 1996)
"I plead with you not to advocate abortion as a form of population control
.Life is your gift. Life is a treasure and not a burden. Abuse it and my Son will take it away from you." (Apr. 28, 1994)
"Protect my unborn through love and unity." (March 17, 1994)
"Children today are facing tremendous confusion and destructive circumstances from being surrounded by this horrible abomination from sexuality of the same gender" (May 23, 1996)
"The dignity of every human being is being threatened today because of modern issues of human sexuality
.and if you follow the true Way of my Son
.you will be rejected and ridiculed." (Dec. 23, 1999)
"There are already philanthropists arising to the forefront who, by exerting their monetary influence, are gaining world power which will soon effect your world's economy. They have forfeited their eternal fate by their choice of temporary pleasures." (Sept. 25, 1997)
"Your future is being molded to surround a monetary system. Be alert to a cashless society developing around the world and the forces of power which will manipulate and ultimately restrict your freedom." (May 9, 1996)
WARNINGS (cont.)
"Children are faced with demoralizing circumstances at such an exponential rate that it is affecting their spiritual, physical and mental state." (March 25, 1999)
"So many people are walking away from God's Truth
.They are being misled by thinking this new way of god-centering will bring them closer to God
.Many are seeking various props or words to help them feel good and closer to God. Simply look to Jesus. Bow only to the crucified Jesus by gazing upon the crucifix and the most Blessed Sacrament, adoring Him with reverence." (July 15, 1999)
"Many of my children currently say they are willing to risk all for God, but at this present time only a small percentage of the world's population are truly willing." (May 19, 1994)
"These lukewarm hearts are the ones which afflict my Son's most Sacred Heart
.Unless these lukewarm hearts practice daily prayer and exercise perseverance in trials, they will turn into cold stone hearts." (Feb. 9, 1995)
"If people continue to walk in the path against the truth of God, the hand of God's justice will pour forth on this world as never before." (July 11, 1996)
"Until prayer is placed at the center of the lives of science researchers and genuine love be the fruit of their motives
., many cures will remain puzzling and researchers will continue to walk in circles. Self-righteousness, fame, power and prestige are current obstacles to medical advancements." (May 1, 1997)
"The hourglass is no longer half-full. God will not allow His children to suffer much longer at the hands of the enemy.
My Son is returning and His angels will soon be released to gather His faithful to safety and destroy evil." (June 12, '97)
"The time is approaching when the world will be renewed. First, however, this world will be purged of its crimes against God
.But Jesus, your merciful God, will save and protect all those who desire to be with Him. He will grant the necessities of life to sustain you." (April 16, 1998)
"You are about to enter an era of cleansing which will lead to peace, true peace in my Son. I am not speaking of peace in the world as you know it to be. I am speaking of God's peace
.All people will have the opportunity to choose life, the truth and peace." (Oct. 21, 1999)
"If the world continues to ignore the importance of prayer and moral ethics and does not restore them to their rightful place, the world will suffer a tragedy of a world war as never witnessed before in history." (Feb. 17, 2000)
"The AIDS epidemic is a direct attack on the family unit, but God in His mercy shall prevail. Many people may find it
difficult to connect God's mercy to AIDS, and many may only see His mercy towards the precious souls who suffer from
the disease, but truly the effect of this devastating virus is an act of God's mercy on the entire human race. It is a
reflection of the effect of sin on each human soul and portrays the struggle which occurs when the precious gift of life is
denied from its inception
.Save the family by returning the dignity of motherhood to its proper place." (Mar. 16, 2000)
"Too much emphasis is placed on what the future holds for humanity, which is creating lack of peace and anxiety, worry and even fear. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Today is the gift God has granted you. Use every opportunity to love to its fullest." (Jan. 29, 1998)
"The new dawn is approaching and you will have the choice to embrace it with peace, calm and tranquility of heart or fear, confusion, panic and chaos. Begin to rest in the silence of Jesus." (Dec. 10, 1998)
"This place (the Emmitsburg area) is the haven of life because it is the Center of my Immaculate Heart where all children seek refuge. It will withstand the attacks from evil because I am here with my Child Jesus." (March 9, 1995)
"Our hearts are inseparable because I desire what He desires. That is why the Covenant of the Two Hearts will triumph."
"His Center of Divine Mercy (the Scottsdale, AZ area) and this, the Center of my Immaculate Heart (the Emmitsburg area) will join the east and the west in union with the Covenant of the Two Hearts. It is the horizontal beam of the cross which my Son carried on His shoulders before being crucified and which He united vertically to the Father on Calvary. Through the cross evil's reign shall end." (Oct. 31, 1996)
"The refuge of my Immaculate Heart is for all people, but the Center of My Immaculate Heart can only be a place where
the community reflects the purity, joy, love and mercy of Jesus." (April 6, 2000)
"God loves each one of you very much. I am here for all of you, not simply for any one person
.God will bless all of
you and give you the grace to share the gift of kindness with others
.Thank God above, little children, for His great love for you and for picking this most beautiful, humble place as the Center of My Immaculate Heart; and from here the unveiling of my Son's mercy will commence." (April 27, 2000)
"Reflect the sentiments of your Mother as I have encouraged and taught you so that My Immaculate Heart will shine
before the eyes of all people as perfect love towards God
.I have been waiting a very long time to share with you this spiritual richness and for you to shine in God's love. This holy place in Emmitsburg, the Center of My Immaculate Heart, will be a living realization of the Gospel. My Immaculate Heart and the Eucharistic Heart of My Son are inseparably united in the plan of salvation." (May 11, 2000)
"During these times when God is unveiling His mercy, you need to be strong in the gift of His faith and be secure in His hope
.You must not be ashamed to follow His truth when confronted with controversial moral values." (Mar. 3, 1994)
"This is the place, the Center of my Immaculate Heart (speaking of the Emmitsburg area) where my Son's Divine Mercy will be unveiled. In the name of the Child Jesus I place the seal of protection against evil upon your soul, sanctified by grace for my Son's glorious reign. All hearts must be purged of iniquity and renewed in His love." (Oct. 21, 1999)
"It is the unveiling of God's mercy which will lift this world out of its misery. Jesus will come a second time and
.His kingdom shall be an era of peace and hope, and it will be a spiritual quenching for your parched souls.
My Son will unveil His mercy to the world, but He will not walk on the world as you know it. He will be your
heavenly delight as you walk in harmony and unity and peace toward the way of His Truth." (Mar. 2, 2000)
"I desire you to have the anticipation of Jesus' coming with hope and joy. He is your Savior and He will save you if you will allow Him." (Dec. 19, 1996)
"Slow down and ponder the moment of your salvation with the birth of Jesus who humbled Himself and stripped Himself to nothingness in order to take on the sinfulness of the world." (Dec. 2, 1999)
"For it is my Son, the Child Jesus, who will come again through the heavens; and the world will see that it is the Savior, the Child. For the Child will save the world." (Dec. 22,1996, unpublished private message)
"It is my Son as the Child Jesus who will usher in this new era of peace, to give you hope and invite all the world to be enthroned in His virtues. It is not the end of the world as you know it, but hope for a new beginning. At the end of the world my Son, the righteous glorified Savior, will come as your Just Judge. Therefore, do not be afraid. Await now His arrival with great anticipation and joy. There is tremendous evil in the world and my little Jesus will be looking for those with little and pure hearts." (Sept. 30, 1999)
"Jesus will come a second time and reign
.It will not be His final judgment and coming, for this next era will be the
Covenant of our Two Hearts, a Eucharistic spiritual reign where the Child Jesus will usher in a kingdom of peace
for it is the Child Jesus who represents hope and life for all children of the world." (Mar. 2, 2000)
(New since the original printing of FACT SHEET)
"Look at those who live daily by serving others and who have continuity in their actions of love and service. Look at the
fruits which are ongoing. Look at those people whose actions of littleness challenge you even if those actions make you
feel uncomfortable
.Look and you will find here in this small town where I have come, the Center of My Immaculate
Heart, authentic children of God. This is a community which rises together in hardships and joins in helping one another
as recorded throughout history when sisterhood and brotherhood laid the foundation of love. This community will con-
tinue to rise together and assist in helping all the many people who will come
.because they are humble, simple,
loving children of God and their actions of love will embrace and heal those seeking refuge." (Mar. 23, 2000)
"Hold on to your blessings, little ones, and rejoice that God has chosen this place which history has foretold as the hand-
print of His mercy
.This is why the Center of My Immaculate Heart is different, because your relatives, the founders
of your ministries of charity, and the teachers of God's Truth reached out to all people of every faith and even crossed
over the lines to enemy territory to soothe the broken hearts of men with love. You too, little ones, who live in this
community are filled with this same commitment of love and mercy as your ancestors. You are to be the sign of my
Son's innocence, generosity and simplicity. Join me, little ones, to dress the wounds of my Son by dressing the wounds
the broken hearts of all the people soon to embark upon this humble place." (April 6, 2000)
Our Lady's MESSAGES-p.8
"This community is an example to the world of the beauty and power behind simplicity, littleness and love. For mercy
to be fruitful, you must bare the gift of yourself to all people, not just a select few
.The more this community gives, the
more it will receive. The more resistant it becomes, the more struggles it will be faced with. But know, children, my Son
is not leaving. I am not leaving
.I invite you not to complain or be concerned but to be grateful that God Almighty has
chosen this humble place, and His love and mercy will do miraculous things for the world." (Mar. 30, 2000)
"I have spoken words of encouragement for this community because of my Son's great love for you and His blessings on
all those who come to this Center of My Immaculate Heart. This holy place is for all people and cannot remain for you
and your families alone. My Son gave of Himself for you, your families and for every person in the world. You also
must give of yourself, not only for your families but also for the families of God and every person whom my Son brings
in your path
.You can enforce the stigma of the dignity of your historical home place with a smile, a respectful nod
and a kind word
.Begin now with preparations and plans of accommodation for the many people of God
.Do not wait
until the end, for a wise person takes the shields off his eyes to look at a panoramic vision of God's love."
(April 13, 2000)
"In this time of preparation, little children, pastoral care must be at the forefront of the unveiling of my Son's mercy. It is
the priests who speak as the voice of my Son
.It is necessary for them to educate and disseminate my words granted from heaven to those people in your community
.Afterwards other forms of preparation can unfold with ease based upon the cooperation and willingness of your community members
.I invite you my priests, my daughters and all my ministers to join me in preparation for the glorious unveiling of my Son's mercy. What you give to one another may be the greatest act of love you can do for my Son in your life." (April 27, 2000)
"You lose your wisdom when you alienate yourself from His desires and His Truth because of fear
.A miracle will
not come by the conviction of your minds but by the love in your hearts
.I invite you to respond to God as I did
Do not tell God you are not ready. You need to respond if you want to learn how to love and have your being in
God. Incline your ear and hear His words, and apply your hearts to His Doctrine." (May 18, 2000)
"Jesus will never abandon you. Even if all were to forget you, Jesus will never forget you. You are more precious to Him than a priceless gem." (Sept. 3, 1998)
"When the evil one thinks he has conquered the world, the righteousness of God will destroy him and all the effects of evil in a flash of a moment." (April 15, 1999)
"There are many leaders and followers in the world, but there is only one God, your Savior Jesus. Everything will come to an end at some point, but there is no end in Jesus." (July 22, 1999)
"This is the time when my Son is awaiting the hour to arrive when His joy can come into your hearts. This is the time for you to keep vigil and wait for joy." (Dec. 1, 1994)
"The wonders of God will unfold before you and you all can live in the glory of God in harmony." (April 24, 1994)
"Continue to pray and work toward a new tomorrow when temptations will not affect you
.There will be a time of
peace and no disease, a time and place where every human being will live in unity and come to know the Truth of Jesus through a Eucharistic reign
.You will be restored to health
.Life will flourish and the ways of the Child Jesus will renew your hearts and fill you with joy. You will have a long life and happiness
.Those who pray together in the
family as partners of love will march triumphantly into the era of peace." (Mar. 9, 2000)
"You are now able to share His glory in the hiddeness of the sacraments. You can share His glory through prayer and
the gifts of serving one another; and when my Son returns, you will share His glory in bodily form. Do not let any-
thing separate you from Him, little children. Surrender in love all of yourself to the Father through my Son and you
will taste the sweetness of true joy, peace, happiness and freedom." (May 4, 2000)
"I have been waiting for 2000 years to fulfill the plan God the Father has commissioned to me to bear the fruits of
my Son's redemption. Through My Immaculate Heart I will obtain for you from my Blessed Son every grace,
justice, charity and peace. What commenced in Fatima with my three little children will continue now and come
to fruition here at the Center of My Immaculate Heart." (May 11, 2000)
***Gianna Talone-Sullivan sees her role as a "messenger" and not as one who is to interpret
the full meaning of the "words from heaven" for anyone who sees and hears them. The
interpretation of these must be done by each individual in the context of the revealed truths
found in Scripture and Tradition and in the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church.
Mission of Mercy
It would be wonderful if we lived in a world where everyone responded to God's Love and goodness with love, goodness and thanksgiving in return; where pain, disease, suffering, injustice and greed were replaced by good health, peace of heart, justice and generosity. However, our world has yet to reach that point, and many in our world have lost their sense of dignity. In response to this situation Jesus first addressed the issue of dignity with Gianna Talone-Sullivan in July, 1989:
You shall restore the dignity which My people are seeking and currently
lacking. My Mercy shall flow through you and My dear people shall tan-
gibly touch Me through you.
Then again in 1990 Jesus further clarified His mission to Gianna:
You were created to fulfill the mission of My Mercy, to carry out My mission.
(Aug. 4, 1990)
My mission is a Mission of Mercy. You will fulfill My mission because My
mission is your mission. I have asked you and I continue to ask you to restore
dignity to My people. My poor and downtrodden have little or no dignity
I ask you to restore dignity and respect to My poor by aiding them in their
recovery, by restoring their health. Accept all in need of care regardless of
their condition
.Begin small to sow the seed of love firmly planted by loving
and restoring dignity to those in your community. Then your love will expand
to great lengths and metastasize across the world. (Dec. 14, 1990)
Early 1990: Our Lady first discusses AIDS with Gianna in the context of these mystical events.
Sept. 1992: Mission of Mercy, Inc. (MOM) receives its 501 (c) 3 status as non-profit, charitable
organization in Arizona, but fails to become operational there.
June 19, 1993: Gianna Talone marries internist Dr. Michael Sullivan and the couple relocate
just outside Emmitsburg, MD
Feb., 1994: The Sullivans place a $2000 hold on a used 34-foot RV they can't afford to serve as the the first mobile medical clinic.
March, 1994: A previously unknown donor comes forward and pays off the RV in full.
April, 1994: Mission of Mercy Board of Directors is formed in Maryland.
Spring, 1994: Our Lord speaks of the future relationship between the AIDS epidemic and Mission of
Summer, 1994: Essential financial, equipment, renovation, and volunteer healthcare worker support is
generated, much through the Prayer Group at St. Joseph's Church, Emmitsburg
Aug. 17, 1994: MOM launches its mobile medical services at 4 Maryland sites in 3 counties.
Dr. Michael Sullivan, Medical Director; Mr. David Liddle, Executive Director.
June, 1995: Mobile dental services are added to the program.
Oct., 1995: Mission of Mercy expands to 6 sites, including one in Pennsylvania.
Oct., 1996: Mission of Mercy is featured on Dan Rather's CBS Evening News in their new
segment entitled "EYE ON AMERICA: The Best of Us."
June 5, 1997: Our Lady confirms to Gianna: "I desire you to work diligently to start a home for
women with AIDS and their children."
June, 1997: The planning phase begins for a residential facility for single mothers with HIV/AIDS
and their dependent children. The program will become known as MOM's House.
Fall, 1997: MOM is recognized and substantially supported by Baltimore's Foundation for Spirituality and Medicine. The essay, "Where Does GOD Fit Into This For You?" by Drs. Michael and Gianna Sullivan was one of the fruits of this recognition.
Oct., 1997: Mission of Mercy expands to the Phoenix, Arizona area with 2nd medical clinic at 3 sites.
Dr. Bill Schneider, Medical Director. Mr. John Olson, Executive Director.
Oct. 20, 1997: Our Lady instructs Gianna: "Continue to pray for your AIDS home. The Lord is
listening. Do whatever He tells you."
Mission of Mercy (p.2)
Dec. 15, '97: Mission of Mercy expands to 7 sites, operating 4 days/week in Maryland and
Pennsylvania, with dental services at 5 of the 7 medical sites.
Dec., 1998: The Arizona Mission of Mercy program receives a new custom-designed mobile medical
clinic donated by the Life Enrichment Foundation of Delaware.
April, 1999: MOM's Family, a new auxiliary organization, is formed to assist in areas of prayer,
service and financial support.
Nov., 1999: MOM receives grant from Abell Foundation of Baltimore to establish MOM's House.
Dec. 8, 1999: Gianna accepts on behalf of MOM the Founders Medal from Mt. St. Mary's College in Emmitsburg, MD, the medal both recognizing a Catholic person and organization whose
actions have significantly, and in a seemly manner, affected the lives of others,
and thus establishing Our Lord's Mission of Mercy in history in the Emmitsburg area, the Center of Our Lady's Immaculate Heart.
Feb. 5, 2000: MOM is highlighted and substantially supported as feature charity at Tempe Governor's
Ball in Arizona, thus establishing itself more visibly in the eyes of the "world" in the
Phoenix area, Our Lord's Center of Divine Mercy.
Feb., 2000: MOM Board of Directors hires a MOM's House Project Manager to complete program
design, locate the facility, and bring the AIDS project to fruition by the summer, 2001.
Apr. 1, 2000: MOM statistics after the first quarter of this Jubilee Year in the Church:
Medical patients served: 18,533
Medical patient visits: 49,387
Dental patients served: 2,107
Dental patient visits: 3,604
Dental procedures: 13,334
Free prescriptions dispensed: 72,052
Mission of Mercy, Inc., now in its 6th year of operation, has as its mission statement "to restore dignity, healing through Love." Although a wide variety of medical and dental services for acute and chronic conditions, diagnostic studies and procedures both on site and in conjunction with area hospitals and clinical specialists are offered, and although medications are provided FREE of charge to the poor , the homeless, the uninsured and underinsured "working poor" who are "falling through the cracks" in ever increasing numbers; our true product is LOVE, not mere human love, but God's LOVE. The only way the Mission of Mercy family can be so bold to profess the delivery of God's LOVE is through our commitment to PRAYER. Prayer is not an option for Mission of Mercy, it is our lifeblood. The poor need to see and feel the unconditional love from our team before they can forgive us for helping them and allow this bi-directional exchange of God's LOVE to take place, a necessary ingredient for true MERCY to be complete. This same philosophy which has permeated our mobile healthcare program is now posed to carry over into our AIDS project MOM's House where the goal is to develop a holy arena where the powerful and elusive AIDS virus will encounter the unbridled, unconditional Love and Mercy of Our Lord working in and through His faithful people.
The Armata Bianca
It was Blessed Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, the Italian Capuchin friar and stigmatist, who would often say,
"The children shall save the world." Before he died he asked his spiritual son, a fellow Capuchin, Fr.
Andrea D'Ascanio to spread these children's "nests" of prayer, focusing on the Fatima message, throughout the world. Fr. Andrea has been doing just that since 1973 in Europe, Asia, Africa, South and North America, introducing and nurturing the Armata Bianca, the White Army of consecrated children, "white" reflecting the purity of the hearts of the children of every race. The Armata Bianca has become a worldwide movement of children 12 years old and under consecrated to God the Father through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and committed to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, reparation for sin, prayer including the Rosary with family and friends for the conversion of sinners, the Holy Father and world peace.. Several hundred thousand children throughout the world have been consecrated through the efforts of Fr. D'Ascanio and his associates. The movement carries the endorsement and encouragement of Pope John Paul II.
In mid-1996 Fr. D'Ascanio first visited the Emmitsburg area where he invited Gianna Talone-Sullivan to be his USA representative. A local "nest" of prayer began at St. Joseph's in Emmitsburg, and numerous others have been introduced primarily through the efforts of many of the local "nest" officers and the weekly Marian Prayer Group. In Dec. 29, 1998 Armata Bianca-USA was incorporated as a non-profit organization and its national headquarters are now located just outside Emmitsburg at:
Armata Bianca-USA, Inc.
PO Box 257, Fairfield, PA 17320
Phone/FAX: (717) 642-3749
For further information about Armata Bianca-USA, including an instructional video on forming local "nests" of prayer as well as individual children's prayer books and T-shirts, please contact this address.
On November 25, 1994 Jesus in one of His LESSONS to Gianna addressed the power of the children:
Today I wish to speak of the Eternal Father's love and the power which belongs to the
children of the world. It is in their innocence, their purity and their weakness that the
power of God lives. The salvation of humanity shall come through the little children
Tell all the little children they are invited to be instruments of My peace. Form an army
with "nests" of prayer. Be consecrated to My Mother's Immaculate Heart which will triumph.
.My Father takes the little ones, the pure ones, the weak ones, the innocent ones, and
gives them power to do great works through their prayers and simple little ways
My Father
never fails to respond to any little child who cries out to Him
.Their "yes" will open
the heavens, and rays of light and graces will pour forth
As the battle was once
engaged in the heavens and the angel Lucifer was cast out from the heavens, so too will
the battle again engage; and if they say "yes", the children will be victorious, casting out
the death of evil. (V, p.4-5)
On August 13, 1998 Our Lady extended this request through Gianna for "nests" of prayer, not to just those who are children by chronological age, but to all her little children of any age who are willing to embrace the childlike virtues:
"God continues to shower graces upon you, little ones
.You are children of light.
Work together and be a network of love and mercy. Form 'nests' of prayer all over
the world to fill the emptiness and loneliness in the lives of many people. Through
Eucharistic Adoration you will come to know yourself and Jesus more intimately."
The time is critical to mobilize this tremendously powerful army of child prayer warriors, powerful before the Father because of their simplicity, purity, innocence, holiness and littleness. It is firmly believed that in this consecration of the little children lies lifelong protection under Our Lady's mantle and a source of tre- mendous spiritual power to be mobilized and utilized in this coming confrontation between good and evil.
The Jesus of Mercy Community of the Laity
After having discussed this with Gianna on three previous occasions, Our Lord dictated the following to her in the form of a LESSON while she was in Assisi, Italy on July 10, 1992:
I wish for all My people to know of My desire for a community of laity to form
It is for those
who are not in the politics of the Church but who are the strength, the backbone of My Church,
.My laity who are strong in unity and communion of love to one another. The rules are
established, but it is the spirit of love and understanding and prayer that will be the strength
of the community
.This community is for My men and women not called to a vocation of
religious sanctity, but called to be in a community of holiness, sanctified through love and
harmony, through forgiveness, prayer, mercy and love
.You, My child (Gianna), shall be
the coordinator, not to command but to help discern those who are in need and also to
oversee the freedom of the spirit of the community
.Come all ye My laity and live this life of Mine in My Love
.Bring back My people through your ways of unity, love, and the spirit of compas-
sion and forgiveness. (IV, p.45)
The community has two sections, the consecrated single men and women as well as the consecrated families. Only the family section is currently active and only at the local level in the Emmitsburg area.
Presently approximately 23 families are involved, each making yearly commitments freely. The rule is founded on a pursuit of a life of simplicity, prayer and obedience, obedience to Our Lord Jesus Christ and to the Magisterium of His Church. The prayer commitments include daily Liturgy of the Hours, daily Mass whenever possible, weekly Eucharistic Adoration, and daily family prayer at home. On a monthly basis the community meets in groups of 3-4 couples for a shared meal and prayer. Twice yearly the entire community of families come together for a Mass, prayer and a shared meal. The community operates with the knowledge of the Church officials within the Diocese of Baltimore, but without any official sanction or endorsement of the Church. At present the decision has been made not to expand the community outside the local area or to activate the consecrated single men and women's section, but at some future date this remains the intention.
The Healings
Over the course of the last 10 years God's graces have flowed abundantly through this experience. Countless spiritual, emotional and psychological healings have been reported. Many physical healings have also been reported to the pastors, some with medical documentation and some only anecdotally. However, the most powerful and lasting healings from Our Lord are those which rest hidden in the hearts of those who meet Him again in the confessionals, many returning for the first time to the sacraments in years.
- New documentary film: UNBRIDLED MERCY, The Return of Jesus as a Child
Available through: The Mercy Foundation
1600 W. Park Avenue
Libertyville, IL 60048
Phones: (888) 286-3729 (toll free) & (847) 680-5891
Fax: (847) 367-7831
- New Book: OUR LADY OF EMMITSBURG, The Center of My Immaculate Heart
by Dom Forker and available through:
Queenship Publishing Company
PO Box 220
` Goleta, CA 93116
Phones: (800) 647-9882 & (805) 692-0043
Fax: (805) 967-5843
- Volumes I,II,III of I am your Jesus of Mercy
NO LONGER available throughThe Riehle Foundation.
- Volumes I, II, III, IV, V, & VI of I am your Jesus of Mercy
All six volumes NOW available through:
Queenship Publishing Company (as noted above)
5. Related books:
- MERCY MY MISSION, The Life of Sister Faustina H. Kowalska, by Sr. Sophia
Michalenko, Marian Press, Stockbridge, MA 01263, 1987.
(Sister Faustina was beatified in April, '93, and was canonized a saint
on Mercy Sunday, April 30, 2000.)
- PADRE PIO: The True Story (revised and expanded), by C. Bernard Ruffin, Our
Sunday Visitor, Inc., Huntington, Indiana, 1991.
(Padre Pio of Pietrelcina was beatified in May, '99)
- OUR LADY COMES TO FATIMA, by Mark Schulzetenberg, The Leaflet Missal
Company, St. Paul, MN, 1987 (brief, concise paperback).
(Francisco and Jacinta Marto, the child seers, were beatified May 13, 2000.)
d. FATIMA FROM THE BEGINNING, by John De Narchi, Missoes Consolata, Fatima, Portugal, 1983.
- STORY OF A SOUL, The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux, translated by Fr.
John Clarke, ICS Publications, Washington, D.C., 1975.
(St. Therese was proclaimed a "Doctor" of the Church in October, 1997.)
6. Resources on Discernment of Private Revelation
- A Still, Small Voice, A Practical Guide on Private Revelations, by Fr. Benedict J.
Groeschel, CFR, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, CA, 1993.
- FIRE WITHIN, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and the Gospelon Prayer,
by Thomas Dubay, SM, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, CA, 1989.
by Fr. Fred Jelly, OP, Society of St. Paul, Canfield, OH, 1994 (audio tape).
Further Information (p.2)
7. Essay: Where Does GOD Fit Into This For You? by Drs. Michael & Gianna Sullivan,
Available through: Mission of Mercy, Inc. (address listed below).
8. Internet and E-mail addresses
- Gianna Talone-Sullivan's most recent as well as past messages from Our Lady can be
obtained from the following web site:
- Gianna's most recent weekly message from Our Lady can be obtained by E-mail
request to:
9. Pertinent Addresses and Phone Numbers
Mission of Mercy, Inc. Armata Bianca-USA, Inc.
David Liddle, Executive Director Tom Fitzsimmons, President
PO Box 102 PO Box 257
Fairfield, PA 17320 Fairfield, PA 17320
Phones: (717) 642-9062 Phone/Fax: (717) 642-3749
(301) 447-3939 Fed. Tax ID#: 23-2983008
Fax: (717) 642-9421
Both Mission of Mercy, Inc. & Armata Bianca-USA, Inc. are 501(c) 3 non-profit
organizations, thereby making all contributions to each tax-deductible.
Further questions concerning the material included in this FACT SHEET and/or
related to the alleged mystical events in Emmitsburg and their fruits may be directed
Phone/Fax: (717) 642-3749
***The material in this FACT SHEET was revised in May, 2000. Both the copying and distribution of this material ARE permitted and encouraged. Additional copies may be
obtained through the Information Director.