6, 1999 (241)
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!I am your Mother and I wrap my mantle around you. Jesus is with you and waits for your words of love. He waits for your hearts to open to His joy which He desires to fill. Jesus is loving and merciful and He would like to wash away your sins by His presence of love.
You can be like My Son in every way. It simply begins with the desire to be like Him. He is wondrous in all His works. Nothing is impossible with God. Turn your hearts towards Him and live the good news of the gospel. You will be filled with peace and joy. God desires you to be free from the hands of evil. You must give all your hearts to Jesus. It is the only way. You cannot give Him only a portion of your hearts.
It is necessary to belong totally to Him to be filled with love. When you give all of your being to Jesus you allow Him to fill you with His goodness, light, freedom and peace. I am a mother who desires to see her children happy, secure and growing in holiness. You cannot acquire these things alone. Only Jesus can grace you with true happiness, true security and true holiness. Any way other than Jesus' way will only achieve a short-lived result.
I take your petitions to My Son and I bless you in His name. Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
13, 1999
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
No public message
20, 1999 (242)
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!Little ones, pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and be open to receive them with gentle, accepting hearts. The Holy Spirit will enlighten you and He will help you in your quest for truth. It is the spirit which raises you to the heights to become like Jesus in every way. You can be love. You can be mercy. You can be one with God.
My Son left you a great gift when He joined the Father in heaven, and the power of the Holy Spirit is God Himself who penetrates every source of life. He is present everywhere and rests in those who desire to know truth and become love. You are invited not only to become like Jesus but to be Jesus in every way in the spirit of love, mercy and truth. The Spirit is the teacher and consoler and He will fulfill in you all His plans.
Pray, little children, for the great gifts of the Holy Spirit. You can overcome all things with joy. You will no longer seek things for yourself but will seek to serve God and attain all things in Him until you become Him in all ways.
I love you, little children, with a motherly love. Be Jesus through the Holy Spirit. I take your petitions to Him. Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
27, 1999 (243)
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!Is not love the one virtue which combines all the other virtues to reflect holiness. You can love one another unconditionally and seek to help those in need. It is the greatest gift and the one virtue which reveals the truth of the incentives in your heart. You cannot say you love unconditionally if you are unkind, do not bear patiently wrongs against you, do not help those in need, or if you take joy in other's failings.
Love rejoices in salvation and seeks good things for all people. If love dwells in you to its fullest capacity, you will not be selfish or jealous of others because the treasures of your heart will rest in God, not in the world. That is not to say you will not be tested or tempted. You will be purified and evil must be uprooted from your hearts.
Do not entertain evil thoughts. Seek to live a pure life and embrace love. Your reward will be great in heaven and will be in proportion to how much you love. The more you endure with love the greater your reward for all eternity will be with Jesus.
I love you, little children, and I bless you in the name of My Son, your Savior. I take your petitions to Him. Peace be with you.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
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