November 5, 1998
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Hope in Jesus remains the path to His light. Do not despair, for God is with you. When it seems that all else fails and you are alone, forgotten, and abandoned to the hands of evil, do not despair. Jesus is with you. He shares your pain and He will put an end to the violent acts imposed on His children from those who have chosen not to belong to Him. God is merciful and loving. When it seems evil forces have gained territory and have won the race, do not be so certain they have received victory.

Your soul belongs to God and there is nothing that can separate you from Him unless you choose to do so of your own free will. The Kingdom of God belongs to you. It is your home. All those who become like little children shall gain His Kingdom of Heaven. Love is the way. Hoping in the midst of sorrow and courage to walk forward when darkness seems to be closing in around you will lead you. God hears the cry of the children and He will not let one stray. Be "little" in all ways, My children. Look to a future in the arms of Jesus in which you will take final refuge and comfort.

I assure you Jesus walks with you. He is your Savior and you are not alone. The mystery of His Salvation and defeating evil is for God alone to know. It is not for you to figure out. It is for you to be a "little child" and to trust in His infinite Wisdom at all costs and at all times. Rejoice in what is yours to gain in heaven.

Your names are all written in His book of eternal love. I love you, little children, and I take your petitions to the Father. I bless you in the name of Jesus, My Son, your Savior. Peace to you.

Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

November 12, 1998
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Little ones, have confidence in My Son and trust in Him. He is your safety and protection. The more confidence you place in His assistance, the more peace will penetrate your being, and more free you will be from the concerns of the world. Your fear will dissipate and your worries for a brighter future will rest in the hands of Jesus.

You can have peace of heart. Your convictions must be rooted in the word of God, following His laws of love, peace, and joy. Jesus is very present to you and He will protect you. He loves you and He will keep you safe. Surrender in peace to His desires and accept with patience all He has planned for you. He will free you.

This does not mean you will be exempt from trials and tribulations of all sorts, for these prepare you for eternal glory and allows you to grow in the perfection of His Holiness through meekness and humility. Trust in Jesus, little children. Trust in Him with all your heart. Be at peace that all will go as He wills and for the end result of your happiness.

You must do your part and be responsible for your actions. The Kingdom of God is in giving and receiving and consenting to participate in His Holiness. I bless you in His name and take your petitions to His most Sacred Heart. Peace be with you.

Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

November 19, 1998
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

Little ones, the mercy of God enriches your soul when you express mercy towards others. In order for you to live in the oneness of the Holy Trinity, mercy must be given and received to the point where justice is achieved. Mercy will shape the bonds of love in relationships through forgiveness and respect for the dignity of life. You cannot have a genuine relationship unless mercy is mutually given and received. Love must be revealed in order to embrace a true relationship. Forgiveness, mercy and love are necessary in order to value the dignity of each human being.

God dwells in the soul of each person. You can meet Him as you acquire His merciful love. You can encounter God within you by reaching out to Him in the silence of your heart. You will come to the realization that you are not alone but that God dwells within you. You can become one with Him, and remain with Him, as you embrace mercy and forgiveness and love. You can encounter a mutual bond of love in your relationships through mercy and you will experience God's gift of joy and freedom.

There are many people who experience loneliness because they feel unloved. You are loved, children, by God and you too can love as God loves because He lives in you. You can love one another and have meaningful relationships through mercy and forgiveness for one another. You can experience joy, peace of heart and freedom by loving as Jesus loves. A genuine act of love reveals mercy. A genuine act of justice reveals mercy. A genuine act of mercy reveals the mutual gift of giving and receiving mercy.

I love you, little children, and bless you in the name of Jesus. I offer to you His peace.

Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.

November 26, 1998
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan

No public message - Thanksgiving

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Comments and/or corrections - Thomas P. Burkhardt
To be added to the weekly mailing list:Edmund Koenke