October 1, 1998
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Hope in Jesus remains the path to His light. Do not despair, for God is with you. When it seems that all else fails and you are alone, forgotten, and abandoned to the hands of evil, do not despair. Jesus is with you. He shares your pain and He will put an end to the violent acts imposed on His children from those who have chosen not to belong to Him. God is merciful and loving. When it seems evil forces have gained territory and have won the race, do not be so certain they have received victory.
Your soul belongs to God and there is nothing that can separate you from Him unless you choose to do so of your own free will. The Kingdom of God belongs to you. It is your home. All those who become like little children shall gain His Kingdom of Heaven. Love is the way. Hoping in the midst of sorrow and courage to walk forward when darkness seems to be closing in around you will lead you. God hears the cry of the children and He will not let one stray. Be "little" in all ways, My children. Look to a future in the arms of Jesus in which you will take final refuge and comfort.
I assure you Jesus walks with you. He is your Savior and you are not alone. The mystery of His Salvation and defeating evil is for God alone to know. It is not for you to figure out. It is for you to be a "little child" and to trust in His infinite Wisdom at all costs and at all times. Rejoice in what is yours to gain in heaven.
Your names are all written in His book of eternal love. I love you, little children, and I take your petitions to the Father. I bless you in the name of Jesus, My Son, your Savior. Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
October 8, 1998
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, in this contemporary modern world the opportunity to forget God is very much at the forefront. It is marked with great diversity. There are many differences between all men and women. Differences of cultures and race and tensions continue to intensify in humanity. Many people do not want to know God and they do not understand what "mercy" is or what it entails.
Jesus desires every person in the world, without exception, to love. He desires love for every person, every nation, every ethnic group, every culture, every young person and older person. God is a God of love. He desires mercy, forgiveness and compassion.
Civilization will continue to be threatened by evil forces unless mercy and love silence its effects. Implore God's mercy. Be children of love and mercy. Be children of the light and do not give up hope. Remember Jesus has said 'blest are the merciful for they shall receive mercy.' You belong to God, little children, and every act of love and mercy proclaims God's love. Help each other, especially those who do not know of God's mercy. God will bless you.
I love you little children and plead on your behalf for God's mercy. Peace to you. Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
October 15, 1998
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Be at peace, little children, your merciful Savior is with you! If you want to walk the path of freedom, you must place yourself in the hands of God. The fullness of His love will envelope you.
The world is entangled with many contradictions, threats to human freedom and tensions affecting moral issues. Many people are suffering with fear and oppression. Tensions are acute and solutions are being replaced with technology and economic welfare. The human spirit is being threatened by people who thrive on power and a materialistic world.
Little children, there must be an interior freedom and an interior peace in order for humanity to experience a global peace. It is necessary to place yourself in Jesus' merciful love and trust in His path which has been outlined for you. He will bestow many graces upon you. With love many things can change quickly and effortlessly. All you must do is love in return for the love you have received. God loves you, little children, and it is because of His love for you that He gave Jesus to you. No power can prevail over Him. He is love and mercy and His sacrificial offering for the sin of the world has saved you.
I bless you in His name and take your petitions to His most sacred, merciful heart. Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
October 22, 1998
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
In the midst of pain, suffering, crime and world confusion, God still attends to your most private needs. Every aspect of your life is important to Him. You are not forgotten.
Jesus desires your life to be filled with many joys and an everlasting peace. There is nothing He cannot or will not handle for you. You are children of God and heirs to His Kingdom. Please trust in Him and lovingly work to form a world of unity as you are faced with challenges day by day. He wants you to live a realistic life accepting the truths about yourself and lovingly accepting the truths of others.
Dispel the fallacies which can cause distortions to the truths to human relationships by having an understanding and forgiving heart. Dispel the negative forces of hatred, cruelty, spitefulness and disrespect for others by seeking the power of love. The power of love will destroy the forces which seek to tear down and will reshape the world. Jesus recognizes you as a beautiful person who is equal and capable of loving, and He needs you. You are valuable in His eyes. You can reshape a world of pain into a world of morality and love.
I bless you, little children, in the name of Jesus. Your life is precious to God. He is very close to you and hears your pleas. Peace to you. I take your petitions to the Father.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
October 29, 1998
Our Lady's Message through Gianna Talone Sullivan
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, do not allow the spirit of evilness to influence you or overpower your senses. Remain pure, little, children, children of the light who hope for a bright tomorrow filled with love and a peaceful security. Jesus loves you very much. He surrounds you with His angels to watch over you and protect you. Always believe in His unconditional love. If nothing else, believe in His love.
God is a God of light, not darkness, and He invites all people to be children of His light. It is not a difficult task to love God, although many people find it an inconvenience. They do not know how to relate to a translucent God, and many people believe there is no life after death.
There is a life, little children, a life in God's kingdom. Make no mistake about this, little children. Jesus desires you to live your life in preparation for you eternal life. Live life to its fullest, in all its beauty. In order to praise the risen Jesus, you must also adore Him in His humanity. He lived a life for you, as you, and was crushed and wounded for you. He sustained your sorrows; and because of His wounds, you have been healed.
Remain focused, children, on the angelic truths of God's love. Do not allow deceiving thoughts to sway you into disbelieving in God's love or think that God has forgotten you. Do not look at the current affairs of the world and ask "why has God allowed this?" Look at the current affairs in the world and ask yourself "why have I allowed this by not responding to God's gift of love?"
I love you, little children, and unite your prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Have hope, little ones, and look in anticipation to a new tomorrow filled with God's love and peace.
I bless you in His name. Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
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