Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland

The Rock

Our Lady's Message of April 18, 1996

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 110

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Pray, pray little ones with all your hearts.
It is by the grace of God that I am allowed to be with you here in a very special way.
Each day offer yourself to God.
Offer all your joys and sorrows in union with the holy sacrifice of the Mass.
Know that God loves all of you very much.
Accept with complete willingness all that He sends you.
Even if it be hardships, disappointments, failures or illness.
Deny Him nothing.
Serve Him with all your hearts, with generosity and unselfishness.
Labor for God alone and love Him without seeking personal advantage.
God will give to you all good things.
He will care for you and protect you.
Immerse yourself in His love.
Be loyal to Him all the days of your life.
Whatever He does to you is done because He loves you far more than you love yourself.
Even in times of trouble or affliction, peace will come to you as soon as it is for your best interest.
Offer yourself unconditionally and do your best in service to love as He loves.
I love you, little children.
I bless you in His name.

Thank you for responding to My call.

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