Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of June 27, 1996

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 118

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Jesus loves you little ones.
Blessed be His name.
Look to Jesus for help.
You may fail Him at times but Jesus will never let you down.
Trust in Him completely.
Allow Him to govern your daily life.
Jesus is the power of all life and the depth of all knowledge.
The highest level of wisdom which can be acquired is through trusting in Him.
Peace of heart exists when you place your confidence in Him.
Little ones, as you draw closer to Jesus you may encounter difficulties in your life.
Do not fear.
Have confidence in Jesus.
Turn to Jesus and draw strength from His sufferings.
He will teach you wisdom against the deceits of the world.
Use your intelligence and will to live a holy life.
Offer yourself every day to Him.
Remember, little children, that Jesus does not depend upon the judgements of people.
People may judge you by their own fixed ideas and vanity.
Whether they like or dislike you they cannot be sure of your merit or guilt.
Only God knows your heart.
He sees your intentions and sincere efforts.
Defend yourself against unjust criticism by humility and patience.
However, if silence would do more harm than good speak the words of God's truth by praying for His words to be placed on your tongue.

I bless you, little ones, in His name.
I love you.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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