Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of July 18, 1996

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 121

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones the marvels of God continue to unfold every day through His merciful love.
God loves you all little children.
It is because of His love that your souls are purified.
This purification can take many forms.
To some, passive purgations involving emotions take place and yet to others the soul is suspended awaiting God to uplift it.
In all forms the outcome is the purging of the soul in order that the human will be united with the Divine Will.
God will not mislead you little children.
His love for you is endless.
He will draw you and direct you.
He will care for you unconditionally.
Give yourself to Him unconditionally.
Do not try to understand from a human perspective.
The spirit of the soul belongs to Him who is Divine.
It is the intellect which attempts to control the human will.
Conflict of the two continues until the soul is purged and trusts unconditionally in God's way of love.
The passions of this life are to be purged of unruly affections and desires in order to be united to the Divine Will of God.
God cleanses and purifies so that all who desire Him will be free from the chains of worldly possessions.
Your heart must be free for God little children.
Hope in Jesus and allow Him to cleanse the temple of your inner self.
Do not fear anything.
Rejoice in His glory and honor.
Have hope in His word and promise.
Grieve only over the things which prevent you from being closer to Him.
This world continues to pass away but God remains forever.
Be alert that you do not become distanced from His love.
I love you little ones and bless you in His name.
Come to Jesus little children.

Thank you for responding to My call.

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