Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of September 5, 1996

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 127

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
I am so pleased to be able to teach you little children how the Kingdom of God’s Will can be extended in all situations.
In your pains, sorrows and humiliations present to you, never lose heart.
Allow Jesus to take His royal place in your sufferings so that you will be able to gain the infinite value of redemption in which you can free humanity from its slavery.
If you always do God’s Will and not yours, I , your Mother of Joy and Mercy will deposit all the treasures of My Son in you so His Divine life may grow in you.
If you knew the extent of His pain and suffocation for all those souls who choose their designs of life over the designs of the Divine Will , you would prostrate your soul before the throne of God in supplication for all the offenses against My Son.
You must know, children, that whatever does not begin with Jesus, no matter how beautiful the work may seem, can never please Me because it is void of the life of My Son.
Listen to your Mother.
In your encounters seek the Kingdom of God.
It is your way to freedom.
I bless you little children in the name of Jesus, My Son.
Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My Call.

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