Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of November 7, 1996

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 135

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Each day, little ones, it is necessary to ponder God's love and how to incorporate His love in all your works.
If you ponder His love daily, you will seek to be like Him, gentle and meek of heart.
People will see His gentleness in you.
They will see His love in you.
They will desire to love and to be loved.
To be merciful you must love.
To receive mercy you must allow yourself to be loved.
It is a wonderful gift God gives to each one of you.
Each day you have the opportunity to love and to be loved.
Each opportunity to love is unique and only passes by once.
If you fail to love in a given opportunity, then allow My Son to be merciful to you by allowing Him to love you.
He will strengthen and enlighten you so that your next opportunity to love will be victorious.
Never lose sight, little ones, that all the numerous resources you have are a gift from the love of God.
Never be so bold as to neglect His love, or your message of not desiring His gifts will be clear.
Thank Him and Bless Him for all you have received and for all He desired to give to you.
There is tremendous devastation already in the world due to neglect of His love.
The United States of America's abundant resources and graces stem from God's great love.
If you lose sight of this truth, you will jeopardize its future growth and be in tremendous danger.
God the Father is forever loving and He desires to give to all the people in the world.
Please allow Him in Thanksgiving.
Peace to you in the name of Jesus.
Thank you for responding to My Call.

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