through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 137
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
If you remove the obstacles of your passions, you will allow My
Son to make His home in you.
He will rest in you and fill you with great
joy, peace and comfort.
There are many people in the world who prevent
His love to saturate their being by continuously partaking in acts which
wound His heart.
In order for My Son to fill you with His light of true life you
must do what you can to cooperate with His grace and His will.
You must
make a conscious effort to remove those things which block the reception
of His love.
If you invite Him to dwell in you continuously He will give
you the strength and perseverance to become detached from those
possessions which prevent your development in the life of His eternal
He will replace your life with His life and you will live as one in
union with the Holy Trinity.
No longer will you experience sorrow or temptations but joy,
peace and freedom.
You will want what He wants because He will act within
He will be you and you will be Him.
Your thoughts, desires, actions
and speech will be those of My Son's and together you will sanctify the
world in His love.
You can live eternal life now by denying the
falsehoods of this life and fusing yourself in His Divine Will.
I love you and bless you in His name.
I take your petitions to My
Son along with My personal petition for your union with the Holy Trinity.
Peace little children.
Thank you for responding to My call.
At that, my precious Jesus, exuberating such love, made His presence known and said,
(This is the first time, in eight years, Jesus has publicly come to me.)