Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of June 12, 1997

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 161

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, pray with all your strength and hearts for the many people who suffer from abuse.
If people cannot love and respect their children, family members and own spouses, how can they respect any aspect of life, their neighbors and other people of different cultures? If respect for life and love of family members are neglected, it is not possible to love or respect anyone.
This presents a threat to your very existence.
If people cannot preserve the dignity of life, then life will cease to exist from the very hands of its own enemies.
God will not allow this destruction of life to continue, life which He created.
My Son gave His life to save you and all of mankind.
Unless prayer, penance and fasting is done in reparation for the many outrages against His Most Sacred Heart, this world will suffer tremendously from its lack of gratitude, pompous righteousness and lack of mercy.
People who are not interested in hearing the words of mercy and love now will crave to hear them later, but will not because it will be too late.
Pray, little children, and please heed My request.
The hour glass is no longer half full.
God will not allow His children to suffer much longer at the hands of the enemy.
My Son is returning and His angels will soon be released to gather His faithful to safety and destroy evil so that peace will reign once again.
I bless you, little children, in the name of Jesus, your only Savior.
I thank Him for allowing Me to be here with you in this special way.
Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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