Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of June 19, 1997

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 162

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little children, give thanks and praise to Jesus for allowing Me to be with you in this special way.
Please heed all of My requests, little ones, not only the ones you desire.
It seems that you rejoice when you hear words which are pleasing to your personal wishes, desires and needs.
But when you hear words which challenge you to change, you question the meaning behind them or assume they do not apply to you.
All of the messages granted to you from heaven are for one purpose, to bring you back to My Son.
I have always pointed the way to My Son and have invited you to return to Him.
There are many people who refuse to change and know God's truth.
There are many people who insist on changing God's words to support their life style.
There are even people who feel they will be exempt from the consequences to be afflicted on this world from the lack of love and mercy.
No one will be exempt from suffering if they truly desire to be with Jesus, because this is the way of the cross.
However, those who persevere in their suffering will be with Him forever.
Even if they die in this world, My Son's angels will bring them to rest in the abode of His Sacred Heart.
There they will be safe for all eternity.
The battle with the enemy is never over until your last breath, so do not be presumptuous.
The enemy awaits every opportunity to deceive and mislead you.
I have spoken to you on numerous occasions about My Son's unconditional love and endless mercy, yet few are interested in applying My words in their lives.
You must never cease in challenging yourselves to grow in love and mercy.
I love you little children and bless you in the name of Jesus.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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