Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of August 7, 1997

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 168

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, do not spend a lot of your energy trying to please people.
Jesus takes note of every charitable and loving act you perform.
Work to please Him.
If you work for the glory of God, you will find that indifference or unpleasant behavior, words and gestures from others will not effect you.
Your virtues will become more pronounced and you will radiate with God's holiness.
Your works and endeavors for others will be fruitful and you will desire more and more to perform charitable acts of love.
So many people today complete charitable works in hopes of pleasing others.
When they are not recognized with appreciation, their spirits become sorrowful.
But if they would realize that Jesus is very present to them and is taking note of their acts of charity and kindness, they would be elated with joy.
If you believe, children, that Jesus is really by your side, you would not seek acceptance from people or look for the comfort of human love but would work endlessly serving others out of love for Jesus.
Everything would be for My Son, not only your works, but your pleasures and your times of rest.
If you rest in Jesus, He will be your refreshment.
You need to be guiding lights of love for people.
In order for this to happen, you must be secure and mature in your own relationship with Jesus.
It is not possible to please everyone, but it is possible to please Jesus who is responsible for your eternal fate.
People have different opinions, thoughts, interpretations, and views, but Jesus knows you and keeps record of every sincere act of kindness, charity and love.
I take your petitions to My Son this night and I pray for your enlightenment.
Do not be discouraged little children.
Be at peace.
God is with you.
Jesus will grasp your hand and help you ascend the mountain of His eternal love.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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