Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of August 21, 1997

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 169

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, strive with all of your hearts to follow the path of Jesus.
His merciful heart overflows with love and compassion.
He always did good to others.
His kindness and goodness allowed people to love Him.
He gave consolation to the sorrowful and to those in need.
He was full of understanding, compassion and love.
He was always kind, understanding and merciful towards his enemies.
His goodness prevailed.
If you desire to be like Jesus, you must be merciful.
Your hearts must be overflowing with mercy for Jesus to acknowledge you as His own.
This is a time of confusion and there are many sorrowful people in need of love.
There are many people filled with interior pain and there are many people filled with anger and disgust.
I pray you, little children, will be enlightened with God's truth and healed in My Son's merciful love.
Put aside racing thoughts and ask Jesus to permeate your being with His merciful compassion and love.
Ask Him for His divine assistance and grace that you might be an apostle of mercy, showing kindness and goodness to all people.
Give consolation to those in need and be compassionate and understanding toward your enemies.
I love you, little children, and I bless you in the name of Jesus.
I take your petitions to His Most Sacred Heart.
Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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