Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of September 25, 1997

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 174

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, God's love for you reaches the heights of an indescribable beauty.
He knows how delicate you are and the tremendous love for which your soul is thirsting.
He will not abandon you.
There are other forces trying to distract you and entice you so that you will be pulled away from the one true path of everlasting love.
There are some souls which are totally possessed by these forces and are in a position of world power.
In order for the soul to live for all eternity, it must know love.
The fate of eternal life is NOT proportional to the amount of power or financial influence you exert, but how you have loved.
Pay attention to walking in the simplicity of God's love and to those areas in which you can love more unconditionally.
Do not be distracted by focusing on desires for worldly possessions.
There are already philanthropists arising to the forefront who by exerting their monetary influence are gaining world power which will soon effect your world's economy.
They have forfeited their eternal fate by their choice of temporary pleasures.
Stay alert to avoiding fame through financial control and remain simple and humble of heart.
This exercise is not intended to inhibit your growth, achievements or happiness, but will be your protection in the near future.
I love you, little children, and I am with you.
I bless you in the name of Jesus, your omnipotent God.
Peace to you.

Thank you for responding to My call.

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