Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of October 16, 1997

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 177

My dear little children, praise be Jesus! Little ones do not let the effects of others' emotions disturb you.
In humility attempt to love people the way they are.
Leave judgement to God.
Rather focus on the passion of Jesus.
This will help you become humble because you will be pondering what God is rather than what you are yourself.
This allows you to gain a true knowledge of yourself through the love and respect for God.
By focusing on God, humility will grow and sprout from your interior being.
Your thoughts, actions and speech will change and you will be hesitant to judge others.
You will not speak ill of others.
You will be able to handle insults and thank God when you are humiliated instead of brooding over them.
You will not illuminate the mistakes of others and in the process defame them.
Practice the virtue of humility by tempering your thoughts and practicing honesty.
Ask God to grace you with humility because without His grace you will not be able to reach it.
He alone is responsible for meriting you this gift.
I love you little children, and I bless you in the name of Jesus.
I take your petitions to the Father.
Peace to you.

Thank you for responding to My call.

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