Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of November 6, 1997

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 180

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Do not be distracted by your works, little ones, that you might lose your focus on Jesus!
Your spiritual journey is a partnership with Jesus and He gives you the grace to fulfill His will in all your works.
Distractions, doubts and unkind or uncharitable actions of others can disrupt your inner peace, freedom and happiness if you do not guard the door to your heart carefully.
Like the wind, these distractions can extinguish the flame in your heart to follow Jesus and cause your confusion in the midst of such darkness.
You must always first tend to the "inner" home of your soul in order to avoid distractions and fiery darts of disruption.
Remember you have received a great gift of victory through Jesus.
You have the power of the Holy Spirit to enlighten and sanctify you, and you have the love of the Father who regulates and orchestrates everything through Jesus so that you might live in union with the Holy Trinity.
The limiting factor is whether you choose to do His will or your own.
Be well advised, little children, to focus on your works for God in each moment and not to run ahead and allow fear or worries of tomorrow to distract you.
The grace from God is to sustain you for today.
Tomorrow's grace will come as you fulfill God's works tomorrow.
Be at peace as you fulfill God's will in your works each day.
Guard the door to your heart so that distractions may not disrupt your inner peace and union with God.
I bless you in the name of Jesus, whose body is yours.
I take your petitions to His Most Sacred Heart.
Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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