Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of November 20, 1997

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 182

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
In the spirit of love all areas of your life must be directed by Jesus.
Give yourself to Jesus unconditionally.
Allow Him to direct and guide you.
Allow Him to purge your emotions and sanctify you.
He will free you from the demanding restraints of the world through your surrendering love.
Avoid superficial piety, through prayer, knowledge of yourself and obedience to your superiors.
Do not initiate scandal by speaking ill of someone because they do not share your same views or opinions.
Keep close watch over the words which come from your lips and cross examine your motives.
Remove any element which seeks to destroy.
If you want to know the Father and do His will, you must first know His Son.
You cannot go to the Father unless you go through Jesus.
Only Jesus can take you to the Father.
Only Jesus can reveal the Father to you.
Allow Jesus to direct you, little children, and temper your current ways to ways of love.
I bless you in His name and take your petitions to His most Sacred Heart.
I love you little ones.
Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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