Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of January 8, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 187

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, the gift of God's presence exists in every person.
Do not form an opinion of a person based on his appearance.
Love people the way they are and see with the eyes of faith Jesus who came into this world poor.
There are many poor people in this world who may seem to be irrational, and at times it may seem very difficult to reach out to them in love.
Their intentions may seem less than honest or sincere.
They may not seem to have a clear mind.
They may be very demanding at times and their choice of words may be less than desirable.
If you focus on the behavior and outer appearance of the poor, it can be frustrating.
If you focus on Jesus, who is personified in each person, whether he be poor or wealthy, then you will be able to perform works of love and mercy.
Do it to Jesus, for Jesus, in Jesus and with Jesus.
The least you do for your brothers and sisters, you do it for Jesus.
Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you and to open your eyes and your mind to see Jesus in all people and to be immune to the ill residual effects of the sins of humanity.
You must be strong and never forfeit at any cost your position in God's Kingdom.
Balance the demands of the rich wanting more and the demands of the poor not getting enough by being mediators of love and mercy.
Do not fall prey to the enticements of the world.
Keep focused on the work you are to do for God.
The day will come when you will see the effects of your works and prayers before the throne of God.
All people shall have to account for their actions and works of love.
I love you, little children, and bless you in the name of Jesus.
I take your petitions to His Sacred Heart.
Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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