Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of January 15, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 188

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
I love you, little ones, with the heart of Jesus.
I bless you in His name.
Peace be with you.
There continues to be tremendous evil in the world despite all the effort of those who love.
The evil one is very active, trying to cause turmoil at every level.
Prayer will protect you, little ones, and help you discern.
Keep focused on Jesus and His ways of love.
Do not be discouraged by those who attempt to deceive you, lie to you to get what they want, and take advantage of your generosity.
Continue to love and be merciful.
Do not imitate their ways.
Do not fight evil with evil.
Reciprocate with love.
Bow only to God and strive to be like Jesus.
Your responsibility is to love, not to point out the faults of others.
The time will come when every person will be held accountable for his unloving actions and deceitful ways.
People influenced by evil may believe they are cunning and deceiving others, but in reality they are deceiving themselves.
You, little ones, are asked to love and pray for all people.
Do not be discouraged because you may feel outnumbered.
There are many good people in the world who, like you, are praying and striving to love.
You may feel alone, but you are not.
Your brothers and sisters in Jesus join together in spirit and in their hearts.
I take your petitions to Jesus this night.
The covenant of the Two Hearts shall triumph, little children.
Do not despair.
Hope in Jesus and love with joy and anticipation of His coming.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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