Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of January 22, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 189

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Once again the gates of heaven open to allow graces to pour forth on humanity.
Virtues of peace of heart and mercy are gifts of love.
During these times of unrest many people feel lost in one form or another.
They feel detached from many things and are unclear as to which direction God desires them to walk.
Many are uncertain as to why they feel detached and out of place in the world.
This is the time when prayer is essential.
If God is taking you through a process of detachment, it is only because He desires you to be attached to Him.
During this time Jesus is very close to you, and your prayer should consist of ejaculations of praise and happiness.
Be content where Jesus has placed you.
Be satisfied because Jesus is advancing you towards a total union with Him.
The process of detachment from yourself and others must unfold.
Perhaps Jesus desires you to be motionless during a small period of time so that you can be successfully purified of self-love.
Perhaps you need to be detached from not only the ways of the world but personally and spiritually as well, so that you will be prepared to receive the gifts of charity and humility.
Detachment clearly brings you to a complete union with God.
Therefore have confidence and hope in Jesus.
Jesus does not limit His love or select only a few chosen to gain perfection.
His love is for all peoples, and there are no limitations to His grace.
All are invited to this intimate union with Him.
It is very important, little children, to pray during these times of unrest and uncertainty.
Your commitment and dedication are essential for advancement.
Be at peace and content where Jesus has placed you.
You should desire only what He desires, and if He is happy to allow you to be purged, so too should you be happy.
I love you, little ones, and encouraged you to have confidence in His love.
His love has no restrictions.
I take your petitions to My Son this night -- Peace be with you.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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