Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of February 5, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 191

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
I would like to talk to you, little children, about mercy.
There are so many people who project their opinions and thoughts onto other people.
They want others to have the same opinion as them and the same vision.
There are so many controlling elements and forms of attachment facing humanity today.
Do you think people should see issues and circumstances as you see instead of as God sees?
There are many rules and restrictions placed on people, but there is little room for mercy unless it meets a defined criteria and agreeable terms of the afflicted person.
What then is mercy?,
Little children, God forgives and forgets.
To be merciful you must, not only forgive, but forget.
Love is the virtue of mercy.
How can you say you love, if under any circumstance you cannot be merciful?
You limit the amount that you can love by limiting the amount of mercy you show.
Conditions and restrictions molded into your lifestyle, along with the need to control, inhibit you from maturing in God's love and surrendering with total trust and childlike confidence to His will.
Realize, little children, how you judge someone when that person does not meet your standards, and how your pride will not accept or permit a person to change.
When you perform an act as such, you are proclaiming by your actions and thoughts, to be superior to God.
By not allowing people to forget, you do not allow mercy to unfold and love to mature in its entirety.
The implications of this are serious.
How you judge others indicates how you will judge yourself when you go before the throne of God.
If you do not forgive and forget the offenses of others, you will not be able to forgive or forget your own offenses.
Hence, you will not be able to allow God to be merciful to you.
God wants to forgive and forget your errors.
He knows you are weak and imperfect, but He is merciful and loving, and He wants you to grow in the perfection of His love.
When will you allow Him to love you and be merciful?
I take your petitions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and I pray for the illumination of your soul so God's mercy can unfold.
Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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