Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of February 19, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 193

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
I long to see you happy in the midst of this world's affliction.
Practicing acts of charity protects you from the evil one, for charity is against his own nature.
The enemy would like you to remain in a state of despair and confusion.
He would like you to harbor feelings of resentments and bitterness against your neighbors and family members.
He would like your thoughts to be chained to slavery, restricting you to rest and prohibiting acts of kindness and love to merge.
Sufferings of this nature crash upon the soul and weaken the spirit's attempt to carry out acts of charity.
These types of sufferings are not willed by God but are in fact a device from the enemy himself.
He does not want you to advance in God's grace.
Acts of love and charity protect you from the evil one because he is confounded by these acts which are contrary to his understanding.
If you allow the evil one to control your thoughts and sentiments, he will leave you in a void which will only intensify your misery.
Only God alone can fill you with grace and loveliness.
Give custody of your thoughts, feelings and hearts to God.
One pure act of love and charity is invaluable and is a complete union with God.
This expression of love is worth more that the eye can see.
I love you, little children, and desire you to live in eternity with God.
I bless you in His name.
Take heed of My words, for you are living in times of affliction and deception.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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