Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of March 12, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 196

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, focus on what needs to be done now; and do not worry about what needs to be done later or how difficult it may be.
Concentrate on the present moment because Jesus gives you the grace necessary with each situation.
I have told you that God gives you the grace necessary to carry your cross today.
Tomorrow's grace will come.
You cannot carry tomorrow's cross with the grace you have received today.
God wants you to understand that you are not able to carry your cross by yourself.
It is not by your own strength that you are able to manage your difficulties.
It is by the grace of God.
It is the Father who orchestrates everything to bring you all to the sole purpose of unity in the Trinity.
It is your free will which allows you to cooperate with His grace.
You can choose to work with Jesus or choose to avoid Him.
Many times your struggles are brought on by yourself in an attempt to demonstrate your own strength.
God is powerful and He is the one who regulates everything.
You need to go before Him with confidence and trust in His assistance.
Cooperate with His grace.
Realize that by yourself you are not able to manage your difficulties.
I have mentioned this before, hoping you would respond, but many people would prefer to think their power is within.
Many of you are filled with anxiety due to an illness; many of you are fearful of the aging process; and many of you are afraid to die.
Do you not realize that God has the last say in all things?
Be at peace, little children, and realize it is not your own personal strength which allows you to manage your difficulties, but by the grace of God.
Once you realize your crosses are carried by grace, then you will be at peace and grow in the protection of His love.
I bless you in the name of Jesus.
I thank Him for allowing Me to be here with you in this special way.
My sole purpose is to direct you to Jesus.
I am not looking for special titles or praise.
This is deserving to God alone.
I desire nothing that is not centered on Jesus.
I am here to direct you to His truth.
Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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