Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of March 19, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 197

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
What happens, little ones, when people are overzealous in trying to establish a dogma in the church?
Many things can happen to prevent the fruit of God to blossom to its fullest.
Firstly, it is possible to lose focus on God Himself.
Jesus must be at the center of your life.
This means you need to be content with His processing time and not run ahead.
If you are impatient, trying to make something happen, you are in danger of replacing the Almighty from the center of your heart with yourself.
Secondly, you can become obsessed with your "mission," which can invite subtle vices of pride, self-righteousness and notoriety to seep into your heart.
Before long, you are no longer a little child but one who claims superiority in Divine circumstances.
This can be very dangerous to the soul.
No matter what you level of knowledge, degree of schooling, or place within the Magisterium of the Church, you can never step outside of humility and littleness, or you risk losing your virtues and wisdom of the truth.
Little ones, I am your Mother and friend.
Please allow Me to say to you that it is not My intention to seek special titles or recognition.
I graciously accept whatever My Divine Savior gives to Me.
I am not your Savior.
Jesus is your only Savior.
I go before Him and humbly bow My head in praise and thanksgiving for His love and mercy.
Without His love, life would cease to exist.
He is a patient and compassionate God.
I plead for you before Him.
I present your cause to Him on your behalf.
His graces flow out through Me but do not commence with Me.
Graces come first from the Trinity.
Then Jesus, your Divine Savior, gives those graces to all who desire to receive them.
I am His Mother who was created Immaculate by the Father to bear the Son of God.
The graces I receive are from Him.
The graces you receive are from Him.
The graces that flow out from Me, are graces He gives to Me which can flow out to you.
Graces you receive from Him can also flow out unto others if you are meek and humble of heart.
I mention this to you, little children, because there has been too much emphasis placed on titles, which has caused controversy and confusion to many of God's faithful.
I am the Mother of God.
I am not God.
I am pleased to be His faithful and humble handmaid.
I am also your Mother.
I am also pleased to protect you as a mother protects her child.
I am pleased to direct you to Jesus and present you to your King in a manner most desirable to Him.
Our Hearts are inseparable because I desire what He desires.
That is why the Covenant of the Two Hearts will Triumph.
Your heart can also be inseparable if you desire only what He desires.
I love you, little children, and pray for your enlightenment and acceptance of My Words with peace of heart.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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