Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of April 2, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 199

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little children, dive into My Son's most merciful heart by pondering His love for you.
You seem very active in proving your love for My Son, yet you have not been able to rest sufficiently in the abode of His heart.
Stillness of the heart is necessary in order for Him to fill your emptiness and for you to grasp the meaning of His love.
The intensity of His love for you goes beyond the breadth and depth of your conception of love.
He has given you the great gift of life and desires you to enjoy it to its fullest.
However, He also desires you to realize that this life, as you know it to be, is not limited to this world.
It only begins in this world.
It is brought to its glorified completion with Jesus when you see Him face to face.
Jesus loves you, little children, as you are.
He desires you to contemplate His love for you.
He desires you to live His love, not by acting out His physical sacrifices, but by living His interior sacrifices of love.
He desires you to be free in His love and to have peace of heart.
Jesus desires you to know that the Divine law of love can prevail even in the midst of suffering, illness or misfortune which comes with the natural law.
Please allow Him to penetrate your being.
This is the meaning of Easter little children.
It is not only the death and resurrection of My Son but the breadth and depth of His love which He embraced for each one of you in order that you could be free and live with Him for all eternity; free from the chains of pain, misfortune, poverty, illness and the sin of death; free, happy and unequivocally His for ever and ever.
Try, little ones, to contemplate the depth and breadth of My Son's love for you, right now in this moment of your life.
Take the time to rest in His love.
Try to ponder His interior sacrificial love for you.
I love you, little children, and present your needs to Jesus.
Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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