Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of May 14, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 203

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, My love for you is immeasurable! My Son desires each one of you to be His disciple and an instrument of His merciful love.
I give you words of encouragement and yet I challenge you because it takes time to change.
There is a great trial of faith coming and it is necessary for you to willingly incorporate all the graces God has bestowed upon you now by conditioning your ways to be vessels of love and by tempering the vices of your flesh.
If you wait to the last moment, by reasoning you have time, it will be too late, because you will not be able to discern God's truth and could be pulled into the deceptive ways of My adversary.
Practice your lessons from heaven as an athlete who prepares for competition.
Do not let your defenses down at any time or you can fall prey to wickedness.
Do not spend time wondering what will happen to the world or what this trial will be like or whether you will survive.
I can assure you that the effects of this purification will not be what your imagination lends itself.
Only God knows this mystery and time.
Yes, little ones, God's justice will prevail, but remember He is merciful and He loves you.
You are invited to live the gospel of Jesus.
Begin by genuinely loving one another.
I have not been sent to you to instill fear.
I have been allowed to be here to prepare you children, especially those of you who seem lost, confused and frightened, to be holy apostles of God's love.
I love you, little ones.
Jesus loves you and blesses you with many gifts.
I take your petitions to Him.
Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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