Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of June 11, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 205

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, live the Gospel to the fullest.
Live it with simplicity and joy.
Jesus loves each one of you very much and desires you to know what is the truth and how it will set you free.
Knowing His truth does not always mean you will be free from pain.
If Jesus generates feelings of pain in you, it is because He wants to heal you and desires you to experience His freedom.
He does not allow you to have pain because of punishment.
If your heart is wounded, Jesus will heal you, if you acknowledge your need to be healed and the need to change so that you can live the Gospel.
Jesus desires your hearts to be free.
He desires you to be free of the complexities in your life.
If you compromise His truth and ignore your feelings of pain, your heart can become cluttered and not be able to receive the fullness of His love.
To have a pure heart, you must know and accept the truth; the truth about yourself and the truth of the Gospel.
Your actions will reflect the purity of your heart.
Simplicity will help you maintain a pure heart.
If you desire to live in communion with Jesus, your hearts must be pure, open and free.
Are they?
I take your petitions to My Son and I bless you in His name, little children.
I love you.
Peace to you.

Thank you for responding to My call.

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