Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of July 23, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 210

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, seek the Kingdom of God with humility and you will grow in holiness.
Only those who are selfless enter.
When you pray and begin to grow in God's light, do not be so anxious to be noticed.
Your prayer should be directed to God in the privacy of your heart for His glory.
What can you, yourself, offer to others that God cannot accomplish Himself? The ways of true holiness and purity are littleness and humility
As you receive grace from the Father, do not seek attention from others
Do not feel superior in grace.
There is no greater importance of one gift over another.
Seek to share your gifts with humility.
First accept all that Jesus gives to you with an unconditional love, then you can give yourself to others with an unconditional love.
It is not necessary for you to seek to be noticed by other people.
Only Jesus weighs the intentions of the heart.
You must seek God's Kingdom without expectations.
The glory of people is not the glory of God.
Jesus aids those who desire to seek His Kingdom and live His holiness.
It is Jesus, then, who will notice you and continue to grace you with further virtues.
I bless you, little ones, in His name and take your petitions to the Father.
Peace to you.

Thank you for responding to My call.

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