Our Lady's Message of August 20, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 213

 My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
     Little children, there are so many people who suffer in this world
from merciless acts of others.
No matter what arena of topic, vision,
race or creed, the people of this world are not of the same mind.
Few people house true peace of Jesus and tranquility of heart.
Jesus desires peace of mind, heart and soul for all peoples of every nation,
of every race and of every religion.
Unless mercy and love are at the center of your incentives and actions, peace cannot dwell in your hearts.
Pray, little ones, for an understanding of hearts.
Daily self-examination will allow you to see how you fare with love.
Little children, I know it seems difficult and confusing at times
for you to sort things out.
This is why I have asked you and invited you on countless occasions to pray and return to God.
Without God at the center of your every action, desire, thought or deed, discernment
can be difficult and often times clouded with many other confusing
Remain focused of My Son and try to put into practice the Words of the Gospel.
     I love you little children.
I take your petitions to Jesus and I bless you in His name.
Peace to you.
     Thank you for responding to My call.

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