Our Lady's Message of September 3, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 214

 My dear little children, praise be Jesus! When your hearts turn to Jesus, your fears are quieted and peace sustains your being.
Jesus hears your crys and your prayers are all answered.
Know He is your God.
He is merciful and loving.
If you do your best each day to love, you can be sure that Love Himself dwells within you.
Jesus will never abandon you.
Even if all were to forget you, Jesus will never forget you.
You are more precious to Him than a priceless gem.
Life is precious and each soul who lives a life in Jesus is precious to Him.
Likewise, each soul who chooses to live life without Jesus is still precious to Him.
Jesus is merciful and there is hope for every soul created by the Father. Turn to Jesus like a little child and be dependent on his love.
He will give to you great gifts from Heaven.
There are some things that only Jesus can do to save a soul, and you must decrease so that He can increase.
Let Jesus be your God.
He will call you to the feast to sit by Him.
He will not forget you.
Be at peace, little children, and know He loves you.
Be like a little child and stay close to His Heart.
I bless you in his name and take your petitions to Him.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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