Our Lady's Message of September 17, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 215

 My dear little children, praise be Jesus! May the peace of Jesus always remain with you.
Jesus, your merciful Savior, bestows His grace and gifts upon you.
Look to Him with faithfulness.
He will comfort you in all your needs.
The Almighty casts His merciful glance upon this world.
He will rescue you from the hands of evil and He will teach you the way.
Keep nothing for yourself.
Give your entire being to Jesus.
Do not attribute anything for your gain to yourself.
Be empty before Him and He will fill you with His very self.
I love you, little children, and I am a merciful mother.
I desire you to be happy and at peace.
Work together and never cease loving in the name of Jesus, your protection and shield.
The day will come when you will rejoice in His merciful love because you will see He never forgot you.
Use your gift of life wisely, and fully enjoy the gift of creation with the purity as God intended.
I bless you, little children, in the name of Jesus.
Hope in Jesus and never lose faith.
I take your petitions to Him.
God is with you.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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