Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of October 15, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 219

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Be at peace, little children, your merciful Savior is with you!
If you want to walk the path of freedom, you must place yourself in the hands of Godbr The fullness of His love will envelope you.
The world is entangled with many contradictions, threats to human freedom and tensions affecting moral issues.
Many people are suffering with fear and oppression.
Tensions are acute and solutions are being replaced with technology and economic welfare.
The human spirit is being threatened by people who thrive on power and a materialistic world.
Little children, there must be an interior freedom and an interior peace in order for humanity to experience a global peace.
It is necessary to place yourself in Jesus' merciful love and trust in His path which has been outlined for you.
He will bestow many graces upon you.
With love many things can change quickly and effortlessly.
All you must do is love in return for the love you have received.
God loves you, little children, and it is because of His love for you that He gave Jesus to you.
No power can prevail over Him.
He is love and mercy and His sacrificial offering for the sin of the world has saved you.
I bless you in His name and take your petitions to His most sacred, merciful heart.
Peace to you.

Thank you for responding to my call.

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