Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of November 12, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 223

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, have confidence in My Son and trust in Him.
He is your safety and protection.
The more confidence you place in His assistance, the more peace will penetrate your being, and more free you will be from the concerns of the world.
Your fear will dissipate and your worries for a brighter future will rest in the hands of Jesus.
You can have peace of heart.
Your convictions must be rooted in the word of God, following His laws of love, peace, and joy.
Jesus is very present to you and He will protect you.
He loves you and He will keep you safe.
Surrender in peace to His desires and accept with patience all He has planned for you.
He will free you.
This does not mean you will be exempt from trials and tribulations of all sorts, for these prepare you for eternal glory and allows you to grow in the perfection of His Holiness through meekness and humility.
Trust in Jesus, little children.
Trust in Him with all your heart.
Be at peace that all will go as He wills and for the end result of your happiness.
You must do your part and be responsible for your actions.
The Kingdom of God is in giving and receiving and consenting to participate in His Holiness.
I bless you in His name and take your petitions to His most Sacred Heart.
Peace be with you.

Thank you for responding to my call.

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