Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of December 3, 1998

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 225

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, do not become distracted by your old ways.
Jesus is forever forgiving.
Put on the garment of your new self, embroidered with love and mercy.
Do not despair and never refuse to ask forgiveness from God.
Be mindful not to sin against the Holy Spirit.
Salvation comes from God.
It is given to you by the Holy Spirit.
If you believe your sin is so great that God cannot forgive you, then you are in danger of blasphemy and are rejecting salvation.
Neither should you be so presumptuous that Jesus will forgive you that you avoid asking for forgiveness.
Your attitude and behavior must be one of humility and meekness.
Only Jesus can help you.
You cannot enter heaven on your own effort.
You cannot be saved without His help.
You are not God, nor do you have the power to save yourself.
Jesus is merciful and there is no sin which is so offensive that He will not forgive, but you must do your part and cooperate with His grace.
You need to not only ask Him for forgiveness, but you also need to ask My Son for His assistance to avoid whatever is leading you to sin.
Too often when people do not receive the answer or wish they desire from God when they pray, they take matters into their own hands.
Too often comments offend Him, such as "God did not answer our prayers" or "We have waited long enough, and God has done nothing to help us!"
These are sins which revolt against God's will and directly opposes your obedience to My Son who achieved your salvation.
God always answers your prayers.
What is He telling you?
Do your desires conform with the laws of Peter's Church?
Are you humble enough to accept His answers and follow His will?
Do you really want His assistance?
Do you really want to be happy and free?
Is He really your God?
It is time to reflect on the truths of God.
It is time to do penance and ask Him for forgiveness from the sins of pride and self-exaltation.
It is time to receive His merciful love.
We are closing in on this current age.
I love you little children.
I love you in the purity of My Son Jesus, who blesses you this night.
I take your petitions and will lay them by the wood of His cradle.
Peace to you.

Thank you for responding to My call.

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