Our Lady at Emmitsburg, Maryland


Our Lady's Message of March 11, 1999

through Gianna Talone Sullivan
Message 234

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Rejoice in Jesus little ones for He bore the weight of sin in the world in order to free you from eternal death.
Therefore sing praises of thanksgiving to Him and be obedient to His Word.
One single act of obedience to Him gives Him greater glory than rituals of prayers and mortifications.
How can you be obedient to Jesus? By being obedient to your superiors, confessors and spiritual directors.
Jesus reveals His will many times through them.
Jesus allows them to watch over you.
If at times you are disappointed with their advice do not despair.
Be at peace if you are not permitted to fulfill what you feel Jesus is asking of you.
Jesus sees your obedience and He will grace you abundantly for bowing your head in humility.
Judgement belongs to God alone and will be between Him and your superiors, confessors and spiritual directors.
Jesus allows moments as these to protect you from the danger of spiritual pride.
Pride is what banned Satan from heaven for all eternity.
Maintain peace of heart and confidence in Jesus.
Jesus will remove all obstacles and change their hearts when the time is right.
Jesus will not abandon you.
I love you all, little children, and I give to you the blessing from heaven.
Peace to you.
I take your petitions to Jesus.
Thank you for responding to My call.

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